Your recommendations on 2 soundcards for laptop


Jun 19, 2013

I'm looking for an audio solution for my Dell Lattitude E5500 laptop. I'd like to be able to do a little work in Ableton Live so I can't rely on the internal chipset.

I had my eye set on the Echo Indigo:

but I also saw this much cheaper solution here:

Can anyone recommend me one of these and tell me if the cheaper one will fill my needs?

Btw. I'm running Win7 32 bit on a 2,4Ghz CPU with 4GB RAM and I only use softsynths.


this is your best choice , USB Sound

this is your best choice , USB Sound

Maybe I should've add that this laptop is my second workstation. I have a dedicated DAW PC with an USB external audio interface and I just want to use this lappy for on the road.

My interest for the Echo Indigo is that I can use the PCMCIA slot and won't have to drag around another external device. I also have an extra firewire audiophile soundcard which I can use when jamming but the solution I'm looking for now is for doing some work while on a train or in the park.

So I just really need a cheap solution that's compact. I prefere the Indigo because like I said you just plug it in and won't take up any space but since the other solution is about 50 euros cheaper -and if it offers the same quality- I might opt for that.