Youtube causing high disk usage


Dec 12, 2008
First, what I have:
Windows 10 Pro
Core i7 5700HQ
2 mSATA Samsung SSD in RAID 0
Nvidia GTX 980m

What the problem is:
Whenever I load a youtube video, my laptop slows down like crazy. And I mean, everything slows down. As if I'm using my laptop at 2 FPS. Mouse jumps. The youtube video itself is super choppy as if playing in slow motions. Everything becomes slow. As soon as I close the youtube tab, everything is back to normal, more or less.

I tried doing some quick research before posting this. And here's what I've found out:

-It's not adblock or any chrome extension. I tried running youtube on incognito mode with all extensions off, same problem happens.

-As a matter of fact, it isn't exclusive to chrome. I tried watching a youtube video on Edge, and the exact same thing happens.

-I cleared all the cache and history on chrome, didn't make a difference.

-It's not the services that apparently causes high disk usage for other people (superfetch, windows search, background intelligence). I disabled those, made no difference.

Here's what my task manager looked during the problem:


According to resource manager, it is chrome.exe causing the disk usage, but same goes for edge if youtube is playing on that.

Those huge mountains on CPU and DISK 2 are during the time I had the youtube tab up. Needless to say, watching a youtube video is impossible regardless of the browser I use. Restarting fixes the problem, but very briefly. Few hours later and it's back to this nightmare.

This problem has been going for weeks, nearly every day I've been looking for a solution, attempting to avoid a Windows 10 reinstall. I haven't installed any new program or anything so honestly I do not have any idea what might be causing this.

Does anyone have any idea what could possibly cause this problems and perhaps how to fix it?

Alright, I did exactly that. It made no difference. Internet Explorer freaked the heck out even while playing a video on 480p... The problem seems to be getting worse over time.