So like most people, youtube is especially slow on my home connection and I seem to have a much worse experience specifically due to buffering. I will be watching a video and even it the entire video has been streamed to me already, if I replay it or rewind it, youtube will delete all my buffered progress which seems absolutely ridiculous to me, a waste of internet bandwidth (since you have to restream it) and more strain on their servers.
Is it possible to write a code (like a google chrome plugin) that will store your buffer in ram? I have 16GB of ram on my PC and I could store so much in there instead of having to restream it. I have already gotten the content and there is absolutely no reason, in my mind, why it serves anyone's best interest for me to have to restream it.
How would I go about doing this?
Is it possible to write a code (like a google chrome plugin) that will store your buffer in ram? I have 16GB of ram on my PC and I could store so much in there instead of having to restream it. I have already gotten the content and there is absolutely no reason, in my mind, why it serves anyone's best interest for me to have to restream it.
How would I go about doing this?