Z3 plus not receiving OTA update


Aug 25, 2015
I have sony xperia z3+ mobile phone with 5.0.2 android
I have been waiting to get the OTA update to 6.0 but idk why am not getting it
There is enough space , phone is not rooted or modded all basic settings
The update came out back in April/2016 yet am still not getting it
I cant update using xperia companion because i dont have a pc
Why am not getting the OTA?
Mobile was made in Russia, and there is no sim inserted
Thank you

Usually if a phone is not from the carrier you are using, it won't get updates from the carrier. If it is from the carrier, contact them and see why you are not getting the update. If the build on the phone is a generic Android build, then you have to run the upgrade yourself manually.
Why am not getting the OTA?
Mobile was made in Russia, and there is no sim inserted.

How are you expecting to get over the air service without a sim card inserted?
With the device online, have you tried just selecting the "check for updates" in the system menu?

Usually if a phone is not from the carrier you are using, it won't get updates from the carrier. If it is from the carrier, contact them and see why you are not getting the update. If the build on the phone is a generic Android build, then you have to run the upgrade yourself manually.