There are some examples in the history of movies and series in which some of the characters have accents or lines that are very hard to understand. When that happens, we have two options: either we try to make it out from the context or we rewind it to play it again and see if we can get what they are saying. With this problem in mind, Roku designed a function that is really easy to use and has an amazing plus that is to add subtitles to the repetition. It doesn´t work over just any material, it has to be compatible with this feature.
From the remote control of your Roku TV
Power ‘On’ your Roku Device
Step 2
Look for your favorite content on the Roku screen and click to 'Open' it.
Step 3
Stream your favorite series.
Step 4
Press the 'Instant Replay/Play Back' Button
Press the dedicated button for the function that is on the remote control of your Roku TV and it will go back twenty seconds.
- ■ The twenty seconds of the playback are because Roku considers the amount of time that went by since you didn´t hear or understood and you pressed the button.
■ As a default setting in your Roku TV, your playback will have a caption that will follow your language preferences and will work only for the twenty seconds you are replaying. This can be changed from the Settings>Captions screen in your Roku menu whenever you like.
■ Not every Roku remote control has this button. If you want to use it anyways you can go for the first dPad. If you press the left one during playback, it will activate the Instant Replay / Playback function. To reverse this and use the left dPad traditionally just press it repetitively and rapidly.