Recent content by killbits

  1. K

    $99 Android Console Reaches Goal in Under 12 Hours

    this just sounds pointless. i can play games from my phone on my tv with an hdmi cable if i really wanted to. if im buying a separate box just to play games, its gotta have better specs than this thing. and i dont buy the argument that all the best game makers are starting to leave consoles for...
  2. K

    Augmented Reality App Brings Movies to Life

    this looks awesome, what's with all the hate?
  3. K

    Portal 2 Release Disrupts Educational System

    preordered it, played the ARG, unlocked it at 11 pm monday night, played until 6am tuesday, went to sleep for 2 hours and finished it tuesday morning just in time to go to work.. replayed co-op all day today. It's reminiscent of when I first got Ocarina of Time at age 12: it completely...
  4. K

    Handheld SNES Coming To U.S. This Year

    wild9I should imagine it's the same reason Obama got elected..people will buy any old thing as long as there's enough glitter. In the case of Obama, it's any old 'crap'. wow, way to sound like an angry, bitter old man. just like a typical whiny republican to turn some random article into your...
  5. K

    Valve's Steam Coming to Apple iOS and Android?

    I feel like the whole Steam concept, while useful and even necessary on PC, is just superfluous and gimmicky on a mobile platform. The "app store" already has games, so what would Steam add to the experience? Maybe Valve should just stick to making kick-ass games. I hope to be proven wrong...
  6. K

    AT&T Stitching Up Jailbroken iPhone Tethering

    i'm sort of expecting/hoping to get one of these letters; even though I don't tether my iphone, I use probably 6-10 gb/month on my unlimited plan and I would love to see them try to accuse me of tethering solely based on usage. What a joke.
  7. K

    Bon Jovi: Steve Jobs Killed Music Industry

    hey bon jovi, maybe if your music didn't completely suck, people would buy more of it. distortionThe flipping through pages is nice, but its really the uncompressed quality of CD music that shines. FLAC is CD-quality, yet compressed. No human ear can tell the difference, and it takes about...
  8. K

    Google's Music Service Unofficially Up & Running

    How is this different from Orb? Or any similar service? I can use the Orb app on my iPhone to stream any song from my home computer. What's the advantage of Google's service? Other than I don't have to have my home PC turned on when i'm out?
  9. K

    Ready to See Jar Jar Binks Again in Glorious 3D?

    I love this, I mean seriously even with Jar Jar this is going to be sweet. Lucas is taking his time, spending several years and several million dollars on each film to make sure the conversion to 3D is perfect. I can't wait. Also, seriously, if you don't like Star Wars, then don't fucking go...
  10. K

    Xoom Corp Sues Motorola Over Tablet Name

    XOOM is a stupid name for a tablet and a stupid name for an internet company! I think the courts should order both companies to change their names to something less ridiculous!
  11. K

    Blockbuster Auctions Itself Off; Any Takers?

    I use Blockbuster Online for the sole reason that I signed up six years ago when it was relatively new, and it offered more services than NetFlix. Well, they aren't allowed to raise my monthly fee, so I still pay 20 bucks per month for their unlimited plan, which now goes for $40/month or...
  12. K

    Republicans Move To Block Net Neutrality Rules

    Unless i'm mistaken this still has to pass the Senate... which it won't (thank god) What the hell do a bunch of old white guys know about the internet? It is really upsetting that the republicans even think they are competent enough to address this issue. It will be one more in a long string...
  13. K

    An Open Letter from the CEOs of MSFT and Nokia

    Saw this coming a loooong time ago. Neither Nokia nor Microsoft by themselves could compete against iPhone/Blackberry/Android, but together they have a chance. Not a very good chance, but better than either company had as of yesterday.
  14. K

    Treyarch: Black Ops Can't Be Perfect

    "In an ideal would we would love to ship a completely bug-proof game. I can't think of a single developer in the world, though, that could achieve that." umm, how about almost anything from Valve? treyarch = amateurs.
  15. K

    Star Wars to Arrive on Blu-ray on September 27

    hah im going to buy this just so i can have it on every (popular) format. vhs, special edition vhs, dvd, original theatrical edition dvd, and now blu-ray. i guess i just need the laser-disc edition? each version adds something, whether it is additional footage, deleted scenes, higher...