Recent content by marthisdil

  1. M

    Blocking Apple Pay is Anti-Consumer

    If you're marking up a $7 wholesale item to only $10, perhaps you should find better stuff to sell with a better markup.
  2. M

    Why You Might Want a $200 PS3

    Parsian , August 15, 2013 8:55 AM I dunno man, I think ill rather pay more and pick up the PS4 because it supports 4K content as well and no need to have my HTPC there any longer. ============= Cinavia.
  3. M

    Why You Might Want a $200 PS3

    I wouldn't want a PS3...why? One word. Cinavia. Cinavia sucks. Period
  4. M

    Xbox One Day One Edition Unboxed Ahead of Release

    @ hakesterman , August 8, 2013 12:16 PM They will probably be the only ones unboxing it, everyone else will be unboxing a real gaming machine called the PS4. ============== You can have your crappy Sony piece of equipment with that crappy Cinavia stuff baked in.
  5. M

    Google Chrome 23 Launched, Adds Do Not Track Support

    Who cares. I refuse to bother with Chrome again until they bring back SideTabs or allow Addon authors to modify the UI.
  6. M

    EA Promo Code Unlocked Most Origin Games, Not Just One

    alidanoh, hello, do you want a free game?here you gocome againoh you can get another free game, here you go, come againect ecti cant see them as theives, the system was broken to begin with... 1 code useable by everyone, for every game... this was so retardedly stupid on their part i cant call...
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    EA Promo Code Unlocked Most Origin Games, Not Just One

    kcorp2003i was wondering when you would write an article on this. yep.. me and the guys from MordorHQ got a whole lot of free games. i got like 8 games i wanted. Can't wait for EA to delete 7 of them for you :)
  8. M

    10 Cloud Backup Services to Try

    You didn't include Backblaze....sad.
  9. M

    Torchlight 2 Delayed for Tweaks and Balancing

    DroKingGood good take your time and make it perfect. So its launch will be flawless unlike it's brother aka stupid Diablo 3. I plan to buy several copies =D so i can gift them to few friends. And it's nowhere near as complex... 3 classes...yeah.
  10. M

    Robotoki's 'Human Element' Prequel is Ouya Exclusive

    sylvezWhen you say a game is Ouya's exclusive, what does that mean? Ouya is on Android. A hardware bit to prevent the game from running on other Android devices? Probably means it'll be sold/whatever, only on the Ouya's store and not on Google Play. I'd sure some folks will find a way to...
  11. M

    Chrome 21 Adds Support for Cameras, Mics, Controllers

    I won't even bother TRYING chrome again until they bring Sidetabs back...or allow modders to create plugins to modify the UI (allowing side tabs). Until then, I'll keep using FF
  12. M

    Banned Xbox User Slaps MSFT With Class-Action Suit

    mrmaiaPC gamers don't have to deal with that kind of BS. PC Gamers agree to TOS' all the time for the games they play. Quite a lot of them also state they won't sue under class action and are to go to arbitration.
  13. M

    Banned Xbox User Slaps MSFT With Class-Action Suit

    zeratul600i can't believe that in USA they can force you to sign a contract where you give up your rights! that its just wrong dude!, hey by signing this you become our slave, also we can have sex with you whenever we want to... that doesn't seem right!!! Umm, stupid non-USA person, remember, no...
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    Banned Xbox User Slaps MSFT With Class-Action Suit

    drwho1Interesting. I can't see why it would be cause for M$ to ban anyone for getting their consoles fixed by someone NOT working with M$. That is a horrible mentality, users should be able to repair their consoles on their own or have their own choice of technician to repair their own...
  15. M

    Over 100 Have Signed the Declaration of Internet Freedom

    Ooh....100 companies/individuals...a proverbial drop in the bucket of the world's population... Nothing to see here folks.