You know the problem?
What a fiasco of a "1st week in May launch of the Turion X2!"
Here we are Essentially "First week in July" and since AMD didn't share
anything with channel distribution partners during the design and creation phase of the architecture, we all sit here with nothing... waiting for months while Intel just ROLLS over them.
By the time the thing out (and you can get it with decent machines to put it in) it is going to be just another non-event because Intel will launch the core-duo 2, which from all initial reviews will vaporize it, AND it slides right into machines already out, or can be
easily modified by the ODM's. As will their next revision I'm sure.
What the heck have they been waiting for? Intel has had the core duo out for literally HALF A YEAR! Intel has been working with the ODM's to develop a unified platform for notebooks. Intel already has the
second revision of the core duo ready to launch (for all intents and purposes) and is geared up for an all out Blitzkreig to take back the market.
Intel, INtel, INTEL... I'M SICK OF THEM! But GOD BLESS them, their doing something! They're moving
us forward while AMD
promises. I don't know about you, but I don't need any more promises in my life. I need action not words.
AMD is supposed to be so superior well, frankly, I don't see it anymore. I sure as heck don't see it in their roadmap until
maybe '07 with quad core, but I can't even believe that with roll outs like this one. Who's running things over there...
Microsoft with exagerated claims and delay after delay and vaporware and promises and then you get some cut down version of what was promissed very much too late?
So your question about X2 laptops should read...
"Where the fruit are they AMD?!? Where the stuff you promised?!?"