2 choices for a new laptop



Hey all,

My old laptop died so after weeks of waiting I'm getting a new one from my insurance.

I use it for school (Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects), watch HD Movies on it (1080P) on my TV via a HDMI Cable and I game a little on it (used to play wow and cod4/mw2).

These are the choices I got, I had to pick another one in this specs class and price range from that store so those are my only options ...

HP G72-120SD 17,3" notebook
Screen type: BrightView LED
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 Processor 330M 2.13 GHz
RAM: 4096 MB (2x 2048 MB)
Harddisk: 320 GB 7200 rpm
CD-/DVD-Rewriter: Super Multi DVD+/-R/RW LightScribe
Graphics Card: 512MB ATI Mobility HD 5430

PACKARD BELL EasyNote LJ65-DT-263 17,3" notebook
Screen type: LED Diamond View
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo T6600 Processor 2.2 GHz
RAM: 4096 MB
Harddisk: 320 GB
CD-/DVD-Rewriter DVD+/-R/RW Double Layer
Graphics Card: 1024 MB nVidia GeForce GT240M

From what I've been able to read the i3 is a little better then the T6600 ... but what about the graphics card? The salesman was quite enthusiastic about the ATI but from what I've been able to find the GeForce scores a lot higher? I'm confused, can somebody explain to me for which system I should go and especially: Why?



Jun 15, 2010
I would personally take the nvidia option, seeing as its graphics card is superior, and judging by the stuff you do, (1080p video which does actually require a decent gfx card, Modern warfare 2, Visual appilications, etc.)

(i use crysis for all video comparisons :D)
At high settings the GeForce 240m should be able to handle Crysis at 20 fps avg.
As for the Radeon, you'll be seeing an average of 9-15.

Then again gaming is not the main purpose for you correct? So i'll let you decide on what is right for you.


Thanks! Hmm so the graphics card is actually a lot better huh?

Damn .. now just for the processor then ... I still can't figure out what will be the best combination really since one has a better processor and one a better graphics card ... anyone else?


Jun 15, 2010
As for the processor if your not going to be gaming, imo the cor 2 should be plenty fine.
so there you go, 2nd option is the bomb


lol can't believe an packard bell is better then a hp in the same pricerange :p

Sigh last time I took an acer and it ended up broken 1.5 years later ... lets just hope it wno't happen again with this pb then.


Allright, I got myself the PACKARD BELL EasyNote LJ65-DT-263 and so far everything is working really fine, the Graphic Card seems really good.

The laptop itself looks quite nice as well ... seems I made the right choice.



Yea i tried to edit my message to put in a thank you but this forum won't let me so let me do it properly: Thanks! :)