2 or 3 Megapixel camera?


Feb 2, 2001
From experience, what do you think is the main difference in the quality of your pictures between a 2 and 3 MP camera? If all we're talking about is the ability to produce larger high quality pictures, then I'll pass, or have they improved the overall quality?

I'm looking at a nice camera without breaking my budget. One feature that I'd like is a long shutter speed so that I can do some astrophotography, but it seems that only Canon has a decent length (15s) vs everyone else being down below a few seconds.

Is it gonna be worth the premium of a long shutter time and a 3 megapixel camera? What resolution do you all feel is good for printing at photo realistic levels?

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<A HREF="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?dhlucke" target="_new">Forum Assassin</A></font color=red>
Go for 4 MP :smile: . I have the Canon Powershot G2. Canon just made the G3 with 4 times optical zoom and other enhancements. IMHO, the best imagequality available today in that pricerange. Further you have total control of the exposure. You should also check <A HREF="http://www.dpreview.com" target="_new">http://www.dpreview.com</A>

<i><b>Engineering is the fine art of making what you want from things you can get</b></i>
<A HREF="http://www.btvillarin.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=655" target="_new">My systems</A>
Thanks for the link. 4 is way out of my price range. I'm actually getting the camera as a gift so I'm trying to be modest and not ask for too much, but at the same time get something good that meets my needs.

<font color=red>
<A HREF="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?dhlucke" target="_new">Forum Assassin</A></font color=red>
Grr. Their freaking menu doesn't work properly with Opera!
You should take a closer look at the A200 (2 MP) or S30 (3 MP). The S30 is a real nice camera. BTW, what's your budget?

<i><b>Engineering is the fine art of making what you want from things you can get</b></i>
<A HREF="http://www.btvillarin.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=655" target="_new">My systems</A>
My budget is whatever they give me, which is probably gonna be a miniumum of $200. I might add to the amount they give me depending on which camera I fall in love with. I don't really want to ask for too much, but they offered. Personally I think they're going above and beyond for our x-mas gift (my aunt and uncle for my wife and I).

I have been looking at the S30 and I'm drooling. I really like the features, but also have to consider that I'll need a 256MB card since that camera comes with a pathetic 16MB.

I'm gonna sleep on this and check out the A200 as well which I haven't looked at.

I really like the S30 though. How are the Canon cameras though? I used to sell digital cameras way back in the day when they had just reached 2MP, but I'm not that familiar with Canon. I was always a big fan of Olympus.

<font color=red>
<A HREF="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?dhlucke" target="_new">Forum Assassin</A></font color=red>
I have 256 MB for my camera as well. With that amount of storage, you should go for a camera with compact flash. Although CF is a bit 'old fashioned', it's the cheapest storage pr. MB currently.
When I bought mine back in February, I wasn't satisfied with the image quality of competing 4 MP cameras. The features and image quality of the G2 made it my preferred choise. Further, CF card was an ultimate requirement for me, due to the price.

<i><b>Engineering is the fine art of making what you want from things you can get</b></i>
<A HREF="http://www.btvillarin.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=655" target="_new">My systems</A>
I have an S30 and really like it though I haven't used as much as I thought I would. I also got an adapter that lets me add accessory lenses even though that is not a normal S30 accessory.

The other camera I looked at was the Canon A40 which is a 2mp camera. I think I'd recommend that over the A200 because it has a 3X optical zoom and can take adapter lenses. It is a plastic camera, but it has lots of features and takes pretty nice pictures from what I can tell.

You will need some kind of adaptor to do your astrophotography.

So far I've found that I shoot at less than full resolution most of the time because I use the photos mostly to share on-line. Anything over 1024 x 768 is too big to send to someone with a dial-up and usually more than fills the screen. One other thing to consider about higher mp is that the digital zoom can actually be useful (assuming you only want a less than full resolution picture anyway). For example, with my S30, I can take 1024x768 resolution pictures at 6X zoom without loosing any resolution vs. 1024x768 pictures at 3X. I do like the potential to take, save and print high quality photos when I desire.

I like the Canon "color rendition" better than the Olympus and most others. Sony also has nice colors, and their DSC-S75 and S85 look like fairly good value. Color rendition is a very personal choice, kind of like stereo speakers. You also have lots of control over the color once it's in your computer. It is handy to have the standard setting print colse to what you prefer.

If you have a fast connection, you can download example pictures from the review sites and print them to see for yourself the difference in picture quality for different resolutions and cameras.

Here are some links of possible interest:

<A HREF="http://www.dpreview.com/" target="_new">http://www.dpreview.com/</A>

<A HREF="http://www.imaging-resource.com/" target="_new">http://www.imaging-resource.com/</A> has a nice camera picture quality comparison feature, but w/o a fast connection you might not want to deal with it.

<A HREF="http://www.dcresource.com/" target="_new">http://www.dcresource.com/</A>

A couple of accessory suppliers:

<A HREF="http://www.ckcpower.com/" target="_new">http://www.ckcpower.com/</A>

<A HREF="http://www.scopetronics.com/digitalcam.htm" target="_new">http://www.scopetronics.com/digitalcam.htm</A>

Good Luck,

I shoot the Canon G2 and will be going the G3 shortly. I am very happy with it. My wife on the other hand has a Powershot S30 from Canon, it is a nice camera for the wife, but not full featured enough for me.
Did you notice that this issue is 6 months old? Besides, when you're talking C5050, you're talking a 5MP camera, which he plainly said he wasn't looking into. Read his post where he says he's not even looking for a 4MP because it's a gift and he's not trying to ask for too much.

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<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
What's the main difference between 2 and 3 Meg cammeras?
Size! Only SIZE of the picture! The mempixels really dont have anything to do with quaity!
The quality comes from the cammera's qlass(Lens quality )and its specific ability/method to capure a realistic immage into memory! A good quality image capture into 1.3 meg may be better than 4 meg capture!
The MegaPix mearly relate to immage size! only Size!

For example, what res do you currently use on your computer?
800*600? 1024*768, maybe 1280*1024? Let's use 1024*678 as most common now.
Ya know, a 2.1 MegPix cammera takes a pic with a size of 1600*1200! - and is SO BIG IT WONT FIT ON YOUR SCREEN AT 1024*768 when displayed in native mode as the native jpg format it was captured in on you cammera!(and transfered into your computer). Its totally SOFTWARE that brings the immage down to a reasonable presentation size - and its SOFTWARE that enhances, sharpens, smoothes, textures the picture for presentation! (and printing)

I suggest you don't need any more than 2.1 mpix cammera!
You literally don't have the computer screen for even that!
Can your computer monitor display 1600*1200?
It's all software, marketing, features and mine's bigger than yours after 2.1 mpix! (perhaps after 1.3 mpix!) It's really the ability to captuer a realistic immage much after 1.3...

Before I bought my first digital cam i was lucky enough to have a couple fiends that let me use (borrow) the camera's and software so i could actually empty the pictures on my computer... I got to use a Kodack 1.3 with 3xZomm , some mid Cannons 2mpix, and a Nikon CoolPix 4 mpix. I quickly learned there is much more than enough detail in even a 1.3 mpix immage( that's 1280*1025!) than most will ever need!!!

Long story short from here! Check out
<A HREF="http://www.imaging-resource.com " target="_new">http://www.imaging-resource.com </A>
There will ba a review for just about every cammera on the market!
And there will be sample immage taken by the cam, like
<A HREF="http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/F2600/FULLRES/F26MAC.HTM " target="_new">http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/F2600/FULLRES/F26MAC.HTM </A>
Now do ya need any better immage ability than that!!!
Pick a review on any cammera - there will be a complete set of native immage samples from the cammera (and the same set for every cammera)
<A HREF="http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/F2600/F26PICS.HTM " target="_new">http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/F2600/F26PICS.HTM </A>
The F2600 Zoom performed well on our "laboratory" resolution test
<A HREF="http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/F2600/FULLRES/F26RESWLF.HTM " target="_new">http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/F2600/FULLRES/F26RESWLF.HTM </A>
(be prepared for a little download time - a 2.1 mpic sample pic will be a 2.1 immage to download!!! hope ya have cable or dsl!)

Image-Resources is ahellova site!

Anyway, I picked a 2.1 megapix cammera, a
Fuji FinePix 2600 Zoom - and I can take pictures with the big boys!!!
From every review you can find about the cammera...
Excellent image quality, a compact body design, and true, 3x optical zoom make the 2600 Zoom a welcome addition to Fuji's digicam line. Fuji's previous models in this series (the 2400 Zoom and 1400 Zoom before it) both delivered good pictures at excellent prices. The FinePix 2600 Zoom expands on that heritage, with pictures that are sharper and more colorful than ever, at a great price that even includes (a drum roll, please) rechargeable batteries and a charger right in the box. Overall, this is an excellent camera for entry-level users, really one of the strongest entries in that part of the market.
Highly recommended!

Now even my wife can take and use this cammera with good results!
I can get excellent pictures, macro, for webs and fine prints...
Its just too verstile and everyone that uses it loves it!
And its right in your price range ~$200 to your door!
There is a Fuji 2650 Zoom - but its the new memory card format - probabpy the same picture quality, but the regular 2600 Zoom is Smart media every memcard reader can read(so ya dont need special software to download pics to someone elses cmputer) and 128m smart cards are really cheap now!

The little 2.1 MPix Fuji 2600 Zoom is more than enough cammera most will ever need! Its absolutely Killer!

And no matter what cammera ya get - you'll quickly set the immage quality(size) back to medium! Most people set immage quality(size) back to 12xx*9xx anyway! ( that's about 1.3 mpix - you'll see!)
Dude, check my message above. You really spent the time to type a response that big on an issue that's 6 months old?

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<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
But I admit it just taught me so much about what MPs really do. I was looking now for a 3.2MP but am now quite reluctant, knowing my photo sizes only want to be the traditional 4*7. How much is that, anyways?

If I could see the Matrix, I'd tell you I am only seeing 0s inside your head! :tongue: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Eden on 06/26/03 02:31 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
3.2 is plenty for that size.
What are you going to use it for?
What's the max you want to pay?

<A HREF="http://www.phototalk.net/photos/showgallery.php?cat=3394&ppuser=663" target="_new">My phototalk gallery</A>
<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
Yeah normal pics is all mostly. I want something less than 200$.
(or 299$ CDN)
I found the Photosmart 620 from HP to be more than apt. At 200$ for 2.1MP, it seems nice, I've read reviews and seen about 10 sample pics.

If I could see the Matrix, I'd tell you I am only seeing 0s inside your head! :tongue:
No matter what camera ya get...
Two accessories and/or add-ons are IMMEDIATELY necessary...
1 - BATTERY ReCharger and extra Batteries!!!
2 - Additional MEMORY!
3 - a USB memory card reader, not necessory, but nice!

PRICE THESE ALONG WITH/FOR YOUR CAMERA! so know what your gettin into.
Ya might not have to buy em immediately, but know where its takin ya?

All digital cameras EAT batteries. Some better than others, but all EAT em.
ReCharger and extra batteries are a MUST!
Learn about the batteries and chargers FAST - ya can get ripped off quick here!
If the camera doesn't come with a Charger - Oops... Mine just happened to come with a fast(3hr)charger - (not really, i picked my cameraq BECAUSE a charger was included with the camera, in the box included by the mfgr, batteries and charger). I also picked up some extras, a <A HREF="http://www.digitaletc.com/go/item/7121SunPak" target="_new">SunPak</A> with a nice overnite(slow) charger. SunPak's an acceptable, reliable, mid preformance battery, at a good price. You'll learn real quick "All batteries ain't created equal", and some are big $$$ for nothin!. Its nice to have a fast and a slow charger, as it does seam that slow charger does put a much longer lasting charge in any batteries, plus i've heard it increases the total times they can be recharged... SunPak's a good starter, midrange, at good price. I have the Sunpak '1800' and overnite charger kit that can be found a most local camera stores reasonably.

More MEMORY is almost ALWAYS needed for practical use!
Actually, ya might want to select your camera by the memory it uses!!!
Believe me, your gonna want 128m if ya like and use your camera!
CompactFlash and SmartMedia are Most Common and AVAILABLE REASONABLEY!
Anything else - ??? - But know what your getting in to...

I'd really reccomend a Fiji 2600 Zoom (Smartmedia), but i think they quit makin em (or really went up in price if ya can find one cause its a GOOD camera!). Its now the 2650 Zoom usin xD picturecard memory(???). xd memory ???, >$60 for additional 128m - good camera, pood pictures, good package with bateries and charger, <$200 (especially if ya order one). But xd memory - ???

And SD memory ( Secure memory???), i'd beware, some say there are printer mfgrs that just give away the product to make profits on required accessories!!!

Read up on memory!
Smartmedia and CompactFaash are the only cameras ones i'd consider! with included bateries and charger of course...

And a cheap little USB media reader(cheap, <$20) sure comes in handy! Lets ya plug into any computer, without your camera's special software!

Just consider Batteries and Memory up, right up front, before ya buy!!!
*** SD MEMORY AT CostCo - good Price and lots of it...
Maybe Sd memory is gonna be big...
Costco, SD memory 128 and 256 - 256m <$40 - Good price!
Hi man,
thanks for the heads-up, I had memory in my mind as well as the main thing.
As for chargers, I guess I'll have to add it to the mix!

I switched choices now and want a 3.2MP camera.
Now I've been reading a lot and getting informed on digicams, their features and what is the meaning of some jargon of theirs, and so now I am confused at the choice.

I got between a Fuji Finepix A303, Olympus D-560Z and possible Pentax Optio 33L. They are the max I could pay for. Each has its own kind of memory I believe, and so it will be depending on which I go for.
The thing is, the reviews all seem to be ok about these cams, but each has disadvantages and this is where I am confused between which I want.
I don't need many features really, I am indeed a point n shoot person. What I do however would like, is good battery life, good LCD features to check on my pics, a good macro mode, EXCELLENT night or dim-lighted scenes (ever since my Avril Lavigne Concert pics, I've almost had a depression for how bad they were lol, couldn't see her barely and I was 6 meters away from her!) and a good zoom, which all 3 cams sport a 3x optical.

I don't mind the transfer to comp, I figure the amount of pics we take in family, are not that much, usually the average 36-photo film. I will really not need more than 64MB IMO, judging on my family's usage of the current crap film camera we have.
I really just need the right cam for them dim-lighted scenes and that delivers consistent sharp photos. I was aware of Olypmus delivering very high quality digicams, and it was the cheapest priced of the bunch which was a boon to my list of choices.

Let me know which you would recommend. I am at a real crossroads. They are expensive too, so I will need to planify in advance my spending with my family.

If I could see the Matrix, I'd tell you I am only seeing 0s inside your head! :tongue:
I really wouldn't worry about battery life...
They're all BAD when ya start usin features!!!
And ain't anything a charger and spare batteries won't cure!
Spares are just MANDITORY - and with em ya just don't worry!

I'd really work <A HREF="http://www.imaging-resource.com " target="_new">http://www.imaging-resource.com </A> for current Picks, Prices and Reviews for current best vaules and comparissons...!

Whatever ya pick ya gotta consider Camera, Charger/Batteries, and Memory as the package (if your really gonna use it!)

They're just consumer electronics! Change Fast... Plus drop it once and its like burnin $100 Bills! And Zoom - They ALL say don't even get em close to SAND!
Eden, in all honesty, you probably shouldn’t make crummy nighttime concert-lighting situations one of the major criteria in the purchase of a fairly inexpensive consumer-level digital camera. They’re all going to have relatively weak flashes on them, which are simply for fill flash, and not effective past 2 or 3 meters. For low-light situations, the factor that may be different on your choices and that will give you more help is a lower minimum f-stop number, which will allow for faster shutter speeds, to help reduce/eliminate blur in those situations.

To really change a lighting situation like that, you need much more expensive equipment than you’re going to be buying, like some strobes. Plus, you gotta consider that many concerts have rules about flash, and you’d probably have to be the band’s photographer to do much about using a setup like this there.

Try to get more than a 64-MB card. If you’re going to use your digital’s best settings, you can go through that faster than you think.

Extra battery/batteries really are a consideration for any photographer, though. I keep 2 extra sets in my camera bag at all times.

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<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>