22LG30 LCD TV Wont turn off


Nov 9, 2009
My 22LG30 LCD won't turn off or stay off. No buttons work. The only way to turn off the TV is to unplug it. When you plug it back in, the red light, indicating power off, comes on for a second then changes to a flashing blue light, indicating power on. No buttons work either. Can nnot access menu or change tge volume. If connected to the cable box and plugged in, you can watch TV, but there is a constant flashing warning in the middle of the screen that says this function is not available for that key. The buttons on the remote do not work either, including the volume, menu and power buttons. I am able to change channels, only because they change through the cable box and not the TV. When this first started I was able the push the power button on the TV and it would turn offfor a second then iimmediately turn itself back on. Now the only way to turn it off is to unplug it from the wall. What could be the problem? I think this started shortly after we had a power outage in the neighborhood. Do you think its an easy/cheap fix or would it cost more to repair than its worth?

I have a video showing the problem but don't know how to post it so you can watch it. Maybe by email?
Since it does turn on but no functions work the main board or control board is probably gone.
It could be damaged by a power outage (or the spike in voltage when the power comes back.
Replacement boards don't seem available so it may be time to get a new TV. You may be able to wire a switch inline with the power cord and use it as a second PC display.

I can't get it to turn off without unplugging it from the wall. I can watch tv, hear tv, but can not access the menu, turn down or up the volume, or turn the tv off. Every time I try to turn it off it cycles back on again. This is why it gets unplugged.

I opened it up and the capacitors on the power supply are bulging. Im going to try to just replace them and hope that fixes the problem. If not then you might be correct in assuming its the main board. Which I hope not. There are some available on ebay but hopefully wont need it. I will try to update this once I've got the new capacitors installed.