24 X 33 Dish



Archived from groups: alt.satellite.tv (More info?)

I have a dish that measures 24 by 33 inches. Will this work with a Free
to Air receiver?
Archived from groups: alt.satellite.tv (More info?)

SeaBeagle wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a dish that measures 24 by 33 inches. Will this work with a Free
> to Air receiver?

It should be OK if everything else works.
Archived from groups: alt.satellite.tv (More info?)

If evenything else works? Do you mean the receiver? Could I put a motor on
this dish to make it move to allow to pick up more satellites? If not how
many satellites would this dish pick up? Could I use any Free to Air
reciever with this dish? I have a big open area so trees and anything else
that would block the satellites is not a problem.
Archived from groups: alt.satellite.tv (More info?)

If evenything else works? Do you mean the receiver? Could I put a motor on
this dish to make it move to allow to pick up more satellites? If not how
many satellites would this dish pick up? Could I use any Free to Air
reciever with this dish? I have a big open area so trees and anything else
that would block the satellites is not a problem.
Archived from groups: alt.satellite.tv (More info?)

I looked up on the LyngSat web page. Threre seem to be many different free
choices. Can you explain how the motor works to turn the dish?

Is the only reason you recommend the 36 oval dish is because of weather
conditions? If so There has not been any real problem with the dish on
DISH network but only a few times.
Archived from groups: alt.satellite.tv (More info?)

"The Fortec Star Lifetime ULTRA satellite receiver provides digital
free-to-air satellite reception and can be upgraded to unlock scrambled
channels on Dish Network, Bell ExpressVU and other DVB networks when using
special software programmed via the serial port. It is illegal to
unscramlble these channels in most areas. Doing so is at your own risk.
Use of any software other than that provided by the manufacturer will void
your warranty."

Is the above a option in the menu somewhere?
Archived from groups: alt.satellite.tv (More info?)

SeaBeagle wrote:
> I looked up on the LyngSat web page. Threre seem to be many different free
> choices. Can you explain how the motor works to turn the dish?
> Is the only reason you recommend the 36 oval dish is because of weather
> conditions? If so There has not been any real problem with the dish on
> DISH network but only a few times.

The signal strength for dish/DirectTV is ten times stronger than the FTA
That's why they are smaller.
As far as the motor, it's attached in between the existing dish and
Once it's set up to follow the arc, then the receiver simply displays
what Satellites you want to view on the TV, and you choose one.
The receiver then moves the dish automatically to that bird.