30pw8420 Philips HDTV and comcast



Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

Hello new to the forum,

I just bought the philips 30pw8420 and comcast provided me with the
digital box, but I can't get the wide screen...I have tried
everything ...Am I out of luck here or can anybody send me some
instructions ???
help is greatly appreciated..

Thanks Gio
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

What format is the CABLE BOX set to? There is a setup menu for the supplied
device, call the cable supplier if they did not give you a operations manual
or at least showed you how to switch these settings via their setup menu and
"Gio7707" <Gio7707@msn-dot-com.no-spam.invalid> wrote in message
> Hello new to the forum,
> I just bought the philips 30pw8420 and comcast provided me with the
> digital box, but I can't get the wide screen...I have tried
> everything ...Am I out of luck here or can anybody send me some
> instructions ???
> help is greatly appreciated..
> Thanks Gio
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

You'll need a HDTV box, not just a digital box.

"Gio7707" <Gio7707@msn-dot-com.no-spam.invalid> wrote in message news:QMCdnSNazcKAyfLfRVn_vQ@giganews.com...
> Hello new to the forum,
> I just bought the philips 30pw8420 and comcast provided me with the
> digital box, but I can't get the wide screen...I have tried
> everything ...Am I out of luck here or can anybody send me some
> instructions ???
> help is greatly appreciated..
> Thanks Gio
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

Gio7707 Wrote:
> Hello new to the forum,
> I just bought the philips 30pw8420 and comcast provided me with the
> digital box, but I can't get the wide screen...I have tried
> everything ...Am I out of luck here or can anybody send me some
> instructions ???
> help is greatly appreciated..
> Thanks Gio

On a completely different subject, can you tell me if you've noticed a
humming noise that comes from the speakers/top of the set? I just
bought this set, and am having that problem. I found a review where
someone else noticed the same thing. Before I exchange it, I want to
know if they all have this problem. Thanks.

Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

drdomm wrote:
> Gio7707 Wrote:
>>Hello new to the forum,
>>I just bought the philips 30pw8420 and comcast provided me with the
>>digital box, but I can't get the wide screen...I have tried
>>everything ...Am I out of luck here or can anybody send me some
>>instructions ???
>>help is greatly appreciated..
Are you using the Comcast Cable box? If so there is a menu setting that
tells it to send 16 x 9 instead of 4 x 3.
Tee Jay
ps Anyone else here want to tell him how to access menu?