I'd absolutely agree if they hadn't finally nailed the perfect mix of feeling like classic halo while also feeling modernized. That's not an admirable feat and let's not forget that cods overall feel hasn't really changed much since cod2 launched with the 360. New paint, more pay to win aspects sure... But gameplay? They tried stuff and people hated it so they always reverted back to more pretty more MTX same feel.
The thing that makes halo so unique is even if you are a gust of stinky wind away from death you can still win with the right tactics but in cod it's basically whoever shoots first wins and whoever has 100 hours a week to game gets better gear so even if you shoot first they win until you hop over to the store, buy some cod points for $20 and get... 1 useful gun, 1 meh gun if you even get 2 and a skin with a avatar. Then a few weeks go buy and they silently nerf the stuff that you bought and the stuff that's a month old on the battlepass.
Yeah 343i messed up Halo MCC but I blame gearbox for that and I have my reasons! Halo 4 wasnt bad and neither was 5 except I think they forgot to put half the triggers for cinemas and someone pasted warden eternal over at least 3 bosses.
Seriously though they did screw up infinite and it's gotta be hurting because they know they finally nailed the core gameplay without needing gimmicky crap but they had a huge lack of content for some unknown reason... So perhaps Instead of the entire team we just says that the people already fired (I mean quit yes they definitely quit) and maybe whoever is in charge of 343i also gets the boot.
I know what they have in store for us, it's not what people think... Well some is but it's actually more than that and I know it's frustratingly hard to believe but it will be worth it.
Plus they did right and at the same time as fixing everything, making a forge mode that still hasn't shown all it can do, new modes, new maps, new secret stuff, new events, improved visuals as time goes on and we begin ditching last gen which should have been something they did say 1 considering how much time and effort was wasted getting it working and still doing so especially after they watched the damage it did to cyberpunk... But they also remade all the armor assets in the game so they could work anywhere which is something we asked for over the theme kinda armor core setup they were doing which was actually supposed to be tied into... Stuff I can't mention and honestly that must have been brutal.
Hey guys... Everyone is super pissed at us and even halos biggest fans are justified in wanting the studio closed, especially the ones that saw that tv show but on top of S3 content, forge assets, assets for these new things and those new things and that other cool thing plus some of season 4 so there's a buffer.. could you also remake every piece of armor that's in the game and also make it so it doesn't clip through things it wasn't meant to go with or on?
Awesome thanks!
I hate being this guy because I know it makes me look like the biggest shill in history and to make myself feel less dirty I bought TLOUS Remastered Remaster of the Remaster even though I said no effin way after doing Amy Hennig dirty (I'm looking at you Druckman you hack, without her the studio wouldn't exist and probably won't for many more games with your writing & direction) but that countdown clock big 11 hours and 30 min and I got a blast of excitement to play the game looking all fancy at 4k60...so I'm not super thrilled you didn't scale it down just enough to hit that performance Target.
Didn't you call insomnias and ask them to use their upscaling tech? Did you forget about checkerboard rendering? Seriously performance mode is 1440p40? How?! You had a magic SSD remember? You could literally load the level as the user moved the camera or so I was told.
I hope MW2 is good and the new mode really is like Tarkov but more accessible because I play that game and I refuse to use tricks to cheat like make night look like day or make day look absurd just to see enemies better.. Although a couple weeks ago I spawned in pitch back and I have an OLED so I might as well have just turned it off. I heard guys like 50 feet away so I took a step forward but they obviously couldn't see me because they ran back and forth right next to me for like 7 min.
Everytime they would get far enough away I'd move a bit and since it was by the railroad and I kept changing sides of the train...well it worked out for me in the end and I have genuine surround sound to thank because headphones pretending doesn't cut it for blind aim in the pitch black. I got one of them roughly 30 feet away, ads and pray I'm right and down he went then his friend saw the last of my muzzle flash so I quickly moved to the right and just aimed at his.
One of them had a flashlight! I'm guessing he didn't know because we only had 6 min to escape when they died and I made it out basically as the screen began fading...
Yup... I ramble when I'm tired. So?