360 total security vs avast

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Dec 10, 2014
I've talked to 2 different ITtechs and one recommended avast for best free antivirus and the second one ACTUALY UNINSTALLED my previous avast antivirus and installed 360 security. What one is better/more secure and will detect more?

Thanks but I've tried avira and it seemed much less likely to detect something, in my opinion. Thanks though. Tell me of any other good ones. (Except avg I already know they are bad no one has recommended it and I tried it a year ago and hated it)

bteween these two, Avast is better but still i recommend Avira
but if you don't like it bitdefender is your best choice ,

Thanks, I've used them before but I just..idk I'm always scared the scan misses things because it runs in the background and uses so few resources. Not trying to slam you at all but what is your experience in this field of technology? How'd you learn this from personal experience or are you educated? Just curious because I've gotten so many different suggestions

just my personal experience , in fact many of these (norton , avira , kaspersky , avast , mcAfee and ...) are in the same level in terms of detection score , no need to be worry about it

This sound like a good traditional story to share with others to show that there is no clear winner when it comes to antivirus even from the experts.
There is no particular internet security that has 100% detection capability, but I have personally tried all those that you mentioned, and I can tell you categorically from experience that 360 total security 7.6 2016 released on Sept 28 2015 is better than all those and it gives you greater peace of mind. 360 total security 2016 already has multiple engine protection consisting of avira, Bitdefender, QVMll, System repair engine, 360 cloud scan, identity protection, anti hijacking protection, and many more. All you need do is to activate and update them once you install 360.The package subsequently continues to update automatically. The developers of 360 keeps improving it everyday and new features are being added regularly, so you can only imagine what more you stand to benefit from 360 as time goes on.
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