39 Inch LED TV recommendation


Jul 2, 2012
I've recently been looking for a new TV, the place that it's going to be going I've worked out the biggest TV I can get there is a 39 inch (subject to the size of the bezel, and no I can't fit a 40 or 42 inch in there). It's difficult to find many that make 39 inch TVs, I've found Panasonic and LG, Samsung do one as well but the size of the bezel is too big so it wouldn't fit.

I've been looking at this panasonic, TX-39A400B but found out that their so called 100hz Back Light Blinking, it's actually a 50hz panel which has slightly put me off.

Does anyone have any experience of this TV? What's it like?

Does anyone have any other recommendations for TV you can get in the UK?


Aug 23, 2013
The Backlight strobing (or Blinking, as you say) is usually meant to improve motion resolution. However, sometimes you may get some visible flickering from it.

That being said, Panansonic is usually well-regarded with their TVs. That model you looked at is highly rated. Don't worry about the refresh rate; most of the smaller sizes won't have the higher-refresh screens due to their price point. It really isn't an issue unless you play twitchy games like some of the FPS' out there.

At the cheaper end, I personally prefer Vizio. To me, they have the best balance of picture quality versus price. Sadly, I don't think they are sold in the UK, and at that screen size, I don't think it's worth having one shipped in.


Jul 2, 2012

Thanks for your reply.

I do play a lot of games, which is why I was trying to find a higher refresh rate and low input lag TV (although I haven't found out what that is like on this model).

I did find a 32" Samsung that had a 100hz panel but didn't really know if that was worth it, going down in size just for a higher refresh rate.

I have seen the Visio TV's but, as you've mentioned it looks like you can't get them in the UK.