THANKS for helping!!
Yeah, I guess my real question is does anyone out there know what a 3D scanner taxes the most on a computer? I see minimum specs each scanner requires for computer componentry, but my hope here at Tom's guide is to find out not the minimum but what will make scanning with a 3D scanner a breeze? Meaning does a typical 3d scanner use processor? does it use more cores? does it use more graphic Ram or regular Ram? Etc...
I do know this: when scanning the 3D scanner is taking a lot of pictures and trying to consolidate each picture to the last creating a 3D model as it does so. So what would be getting taxed the most in order for a computer to do that?
Once someone can help me answer that, And since I need the system to be mobile, I would then like to know what laptop pieces or even which complete laptop will work best to make 3-D scanning really sing?
I'd like to stay under $2k if i can?
Does that help?