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More info?)
I think you mean "LNB?"
LNA's haven't been used for years.That was when one had a dish,lna and
downconverter mounted right on the dish,or so I heard.LNB's are the LNA and
Downconverter all in one.
You need to upgrade the lnbs to preferably Norsats...(PLL,not not
necessarily)....C band 30 deg. or lower;ku .8 or lower.
get a dsr-922 4dtv receiver (and if you have an HDTV add a hdd 200\201 hdtv
"James Zod" <> wrote in message
> "Valdivar" <> wrote in message
> news:Yibxe.4169$
>> 4DTV's "death" time frame largely depends on US-the viewers!
>> If we want to believe all the FUD and fodder going around and go for
> DBS,or
>> cable,then 4dtv will not be long in dying!
>> The same goes with all the cheapskates who refuse to buy a 4dtv
>> subscription,because they don't like the "AD" pak and they think they can
>> hold the programmers hostage until they give us 'ala carte!"They way to
>> fight for 4dtv is get the AD pak,or some pak,then demand more ala carte!
>> Business is business and subscrition numbers count!
>> On the other hand,if we'll get behind 4dtv(that means not only the buy
>> the
>> hardware,but BUY a subscription!),it's demise could be delayed for years!
>> Do you want great video and sound?
>> Keep your big dish going?
>> Programming choice?
>> You want 4dtv(and throw in an mpeg-2 free to air receiver for good
> measure!)
> I got a older free 10 foot dish, mount, arm and feed with lna's
> The dish and mount are fine,
> The arm has one magnet on it (not 4 like some others)
> The C lna is 40 degrees, and the Ku is 1.2 db
> The feed is CA as well as the lna.
> What would I have to upgrade to get 4dtv ?