Couple things.
1.) There are no laptops with dual external monitor capability.
2.) To be honest the fastest laptops out there just aren't that fast. Because they have to make everything super small to get it in the frame of the machine you compromise on performance. My honest opinion of laptops is they are all garbage. Maybe in a few more years they will be able to offer the kind of performance I can't live without. But at present they are all still pretty much junk. especially for gaming and graphics and video work. They are about as useful as a regular old paper and pen Notebook.
3.) My personal recommendation which I think would blow your mind and really make you happy is to get a rockin i7 desktop with all the specs you want;
i7 8 core
8Gigs RAM
Terabyte hardrive
Dual monitor ready
wireless keyboard and mouse
26" monitor - 1200p
and also get a portable netbook or use your existing laptop for on the road stuff.
But if you are really stuck on the laptop idea then my best recommendation and I really think this is the best performance value is this
The above computer is an awesome computer and the pice can't be beat locally. You can order it online and have it delivered to your home.
Those are my thoughts