A Question for RAM ???


Aug 27, 2007
:hello: Hello everybody. Nice to finally be a part of this community. :bounce: .Enough small talk.
I used "Advanced Search" to find something related to my problem but I didn't find a thing. So ... here I go.
Is there any difference between RAM for a PC and RAM for a Laptop/Notebook? If so, what is the difference ???
Thanks in advance for your time :sarcastic:
RAM for most desktops now is 240pin, laptops are only 200pin. In lame man's terms, RAM for desktops is longer and won't fit into laptops. newegg.com has a good selection of RAM for laptops and their prices are usually good. Here's a link: http://www.newegg.com/Store/SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=381&name=Laptop-Memory

If you want help finding the specific kind you need, post the specs of the RAM and I can help you narrow your selections. If you don't know what RAM you have or need, download CPU-Z from CPUID.com. It will tell you what you need to know.

I noticed, besides the 200pin dram, they have also the 214 pin dram. who uses those?
I'm not really sure. They are slightly smaller than the 200pin ones in terms of dimension I think so my guess would be UMPC's. There isn't much in the way of selection for those modules and they are EXPENSIVE a 1gb module is 200 bucks on newegg.com.
Anybody know if they use different technology or anything than desktop RAM? Then again, all I need to know is that desktop ram doesn't fit into laptops.

And LostandWandering, it's "layman's terms", not lame man's. 😀