A1226 MacBook with dark screen

Jim breese

May 18, 2016
I have inherited an old A1226 that will produce a chime at power up, but the screen doesn't light up. I have connected the display to a working A1226, and the display works OK, so that's not it. I substituted the "Left I/O card" from the good A1226, and the bad computer was not fixed. So I guess it's the logic board which is defective. I wonder if anyone has a suggestion about a) whether there might be something easy to fix on the bad logic board, and b) whether I should just replace the logic board.
Now If that is an issue on the board you can go look to see if something is missing or somehow shorted ( such as the PCB is toughing the aluminum frame where not should not be, but if you cannot see anything, then it is most likely toast. since a used logic board is $125+ on ebay from what I see, I would consider giving up the ghost on the laptop, and either selling it, or keeping it to try to say wire up the monitor through the display out port. ( could be a fun exercise in futility) do the display out ports work? if not getting the old data out could be a hassle.
Now If that is an issue on the board you can go look to see if something is missing or somehow shorted ( such as the PCB is toughing the aluminum frame where not should not be, but if you cannot see anything, then it is most likely toast. since a used logic board is $125+ on ebay from what I see, I would consider giving up the ghost on the laptop, and either selling it, or keeping it to try to say wire up the monitor through the display out port. ( could be a fun exercise in futility) do the display out ports work? if not getting the old data out could be a hassle.