About adobe


Apr 24, 2012
my son recently updated adobe flashplayer which came up upon start-up,which i wasnt aware of,i have checked programs and features and in there i have the following: adobe reader 9.5.1 MUI,adobe flashplayer 11 ActiveX 64 bit,adobe AIR and acrobat.com,the reader was updated on the 14th of april this year,since then i have noticed my computer is sluggish and certain games on facebook are either slow or crashing,one game which i regularly use is now saying upgrade flashplayer.I am not sure if i should upgrade or not or if what my son updated is clashing,or even if i need all of these adobe on together,i do not know if i need all of those i have listed so i dont want to uninstall anything i shouldnt.I await your reponse and am hopeful for any advice you can give me on this matter.Thankyou jokat
i would suggest using Ccleaner to remove all adobe products in the start up options when booting into windows.

all those updaters and start up agents are really unnecessary and resources hogs.

if you have found the latest update to cause problems uninstall it and find the last best version for you. and if you are sure you have the latest version i would be suspicious of a site that asks you to upgrade it. (malware possibly)