About my 4k tv

Omar Strobe

Apr 15, 2014
How durable are hdtv flat panels are when it comes to objects hitting the screen? im asking because i was swinging around a glow stick on a show lace and it slipped from my finger. It hit the top right corner of my tv in two separate occasions, There is no visible damage at that i can see. tv works fine but i have such bad ocd that i feel like something might be wrong with it and i need to replace it. thats why i am asking this question i just need a peace of mind. i have a 50' 4k hisense television
Generally they are fairly durable. It always depends on what hits them, where on the screen, and at what angle.
By the sounds of it, you have had a lucky escape! If there is no signs of panel damage, on a black screen, or white screen (i.e lit up on a black scene or white scene), then it will be fine. I have a Hisense TV and i must say i think they are built very well, and are slightly heavier than some other, more expensive TV's out there.
Please do put your mind at rest, but take it as pure luck that it did not do any damage! 😉

Best regards,
Generally they are fairly durable. It always depends on what hits them, where on the screen, and at what angle.
By the sounds of it, you have had a lucky escape! If there is no signs of panel damage, on a black screen, or white screen (i.e lit up on a black scene or white scene), then it will be fine. I have a Hisense TV and i must say i think they are built very well, and are slightly heavier than some other, more expensive TV's out there.
Please do put your mind at rest, but take it as pure luck that it did not do any damage! 😉

Best regards,