Acer Aspire 5252-V333 Black Screen(Dim Screen)


Jan 20, 2016
So my laptop (model in the title) seems to go black all of the sudden and stop displaying anything in the screen. I tried all the different power cycling ideas but that didn't seem to help. But it's not even your average issue, instead of the screen going black and now I need to replace the screen... It dims the screen to the point where you can't use it but you can see that the screen hasn't gone completely black. This is also not a consistent experience, sometimes it doesn't do this but most times it does!
Has anyone ever seen or heard of something like this before? and if so, do you have a solution?


Send us a snapshot if possible. It an also be backlight led issue.
I currently have not been able to get my screen to turn itself on, at this point I don't even know if it's displaying anything. It does seem like a backlight issue, and if that is the case would I just have to replace the backlight? Or is there another solution that doesn't involve a chunk of cash?

If it's the backlight led issue, there is a few turn around.

First, if all goes well, and the laptop turns on, take a torch and light the display, look clearly if there is signs of display working. If it works, then do either of the following:

One is to check the inverter board below the display, you can see that once you remove the cover
Second it can be lose strip connecting cable or it can be that led backlight's fuse is short, you might have to change some crystals. And yes with this issue if present, will still work in an external.