Acer Aspire V3-551-8664 3 Problems


Mar 31, 2011
hi there my friends , i got really 3 annoying problems with my new laptop (Acer Aspire v3-551-8664)

System Spec:

AMD Quad-Core Processor A8-4500M
AMD Radeon HD 7640G
6GB DDR3 Memory
750 GB HDD
Windows 7 ultimate x64 SP1

the laptop is ultra-great for its price 519$ (i am able to run most new games with low-mid-high settings on battery) but the following problems really annoys me:

1-the CPU have a turbo core technology , i work as a 3d designer in 3ds max and i will benefit from this technology so much for rendering but it’s not working properly , if the laptop is idle the core clock is set at 1900mhz(normal) , if i am rendering it overclocks all cores to 2400mhz(not normal) if i used only 2 cores at full while idling the other 2 cores it still overclocks all cores to 2400mhz(not normal) , when using 2 cores it should overclock those 2 cores to 2800mhz and down clock the other 2 cores.
to summarize it:

right now its doing this(Wrong):
idle = 1900mhz
full load = 2400mhz (over heats the CPU to 73c)
2 cores only fully loaded = 2400mhz for all cores

what it should be(Right):
idle = 1900mhz
full load = 1900mhz (it should not overclock while fully loaded)
2 cores only fully loaded = 2800mhz only on those cores the other 2 cores = 1400mhz

i installed AMD overdrive to monitor the clocks.

2-i work mostly with my wireless and it’s a great wireless device , but sometimes i need to plug in a Lan cable when gaming or copying large files (or using the laptop as a render farm) but when i plug in the Lan cable the copying speed goes from 2mb/s to 100-500kb/s only , while it must go to 6-8mb/s ?? , the only way to fix it is to restart the laptop.

3-it’s not much of a problem but ...... i hate windows 7, i tried installing Windows vista but i didn’t find the drivers for the laptop, again not much of a problem but if there is a fix for it then thanks a lot.

Sorry for the long post and bad English, but i really thank anyone who even only read my post and anyone takes the time to help me.

Thx in adv.
thanks for your respond.

1:-about windows 7 , for me windows vista is way much better than win 7 because of an annoying bug that happens when rendering (only winXP and win7 have this bug) , the bug is when i render in Windows XP or Windows 7 , the windows slows down in a way i cant even move the mouse and the music i hear shutters until it stops (also happens when installing games that have a big file sizes) , but in vista i am able to install games and play games while rendering even heavy projects all 3 things at the same time with only a slow down of about 5%-10% because of HDD access , but as i said not such a big problem , u can ignore it for now.
if u want to know more about the problem i was facing , u can read this , it have a fix for it but for me it didn't work.
it is also in windows 7

2:-about my other problems , i have updated everything except the bios because i am afraid that i might damage the motherboard of the laptop , also as i can understand (i am not the best on PC but i know little things) its a hardware setting problem , the problem is that the bios don't have anything to edit while in the net i searched about the turbo-core and all it says , activate it from the bios.
i have read somewhere , its about the (p-state of the CPU) i don't know wt is it , or how to edit it.

3:-i am sorry but i didn't understand wt did u mean by that (my English is not good).

thanks for taking time to respond.