Acer Aspire V3-571 Cleaning?


Jun 25, 2012
i've had an Acer aspire v3-571 for about 6 months so far. Got it on boxing day and now it's may, so almost. I was wondering, should I clean it? it is fairly loud and i'm thinking of cleaning it.

If I do clean it, how would I open it? I see the fan in the bottom left, but i'm not sure what screws to open, and what to open in fact. So what do i unscrew? Sounds like a noobish question, sorry, but I really need help. Thanks in advance!!

This is the laptop bottom
are you sure its something you want to do yourself?

some models are simple and just removing the keyboard can let you get to the fan

other models its not so easy

have seen people damage their motherboard when re-assembling by putting a long screw where a short one should

have gone

if you are going to do it draw a diagram and mark where the screws came from

this manual should include disassembling it--getting the disassembly manual is always a good idea

From the manual, it looks a hella hard for me to take off the case and access the fan. So would it be better for me to take it to a hardware store and ask them to do it for me? If so, which store should I go to that would do it the cheapest and quickest? I live in Canada btw.
Hi Hottsauce

Completely off topic but I wanted to ask someone who had the same model as me.

I'm having a few issues with sound from the internal speaker. Basically there doesn't appear to be any bass. On the dolby eq, the last three faders on the low end are completely unresponsive. When I plug in headphones or put the laptop through my stereo however, there is a clear difference.

Can you let me know if yours is the same?

Many thanks