Acer Aspire VS-431 black screen


Feb 14, 2015
Hey, I have an Acer aspire vs-431-4689 laptop here, and I believe I have the black screen of death. It powers up, hd spins, everything works but the screen stays black, plugged into a monitor and still nothing. From what I've read this is a common problem for similar laptops and I need to flash the bios but everything I've read says I need the .fd files and none of the bios files have them, under the dos folder i see; Aceracdc.exe, flash.exe, flsah.rsp, update.bat, and va41114.rom. I would think it is the rom file but don't want to make the situation worse.Hey, I have an Acer aspire vs-431-4689 laptop here, and I believe I have the black screen of death. It powers up, hd spins, everything works but the screen stays black, plugged into a monitor and still nothing. From what I've read this is a common problem for similar laptops and I need to flash the bios but everything I've read says I need the .fd files and none of the bios files have them, under the dos folder i see; Aceracdc.exe, flash.exe, flsah.rsp, update.bat, and va41114.rom. I would think it is the rom file but don't want to make the situation worse.
I have also tried; the removing the battery and holding down power then reconnecting, fully took it apart and removed the cmos battery and put it back and didn't see anything major wrong. I still am not sure what file I need to flash the bios though, there is no info about flashing this specific model's bios.