Acer ES1-511 won't boot, screens turns dark and bright


Aug 11, 2014
I have this laptop 11 month old. Just recently upgraded to Windows 10. it won't boot into windows. when I press the power button, the LEDs light up and fans start. then the ACER logo comes up the screen, but then the screens turns dark, a few seconds later, it turns bright, then dark again. it just keeps turning dark and bright with nothing on the screen, after many cycles it shuts down by itself. I can't even access boot menu or bios. after I tried restarting many times, one time it loaded into the recovery mode, and I tried every option in the recovery mode without any success. then I can't get to the recovery mode again ever since. I've tried taken the bottom apart and disconnected the battery. no luck. please help. thanks.
is there stuff you want saved like documents & other files?
Recovering from the hard drive during startup
1.Turn on your computer and press <Alt> + <F10> during startup. A
screen appears asking you to choose the keyboard layout.
2.Several options are now presented. Click Troubleshoot.
3. Click either Refresh your PC or Reset your PC.
yes, there are some photos I haven't backed up.

I was able to get to the troubleshoot menu. the Refresh option didn't work, it says there was a problem. the Reset option might work, but in this case, will I have to pull out the hard drive to save those files?
ok, the reset option didn't work either. but the funny thing, when I clicked exit and continue to windows 10 in the troubleshoot area, this time the laptop automatically started to scan and repair the hard drive. after that, it loaded into windows. so problem must be some corrupt hard drive segments. thanks for your help.