Acer Notebooks: 2Ghz+ATI X1300 256MB v 1.7GHz+ATI X700 128MB


Mar 27, 2006
For gaming which would be better? both systems come with 512MB memory and 80GB HDDs.

Will a faster 2 GHz CPU compensate for a weaker X1300 GPU with more memory? Pit this against a 1.7 GHz but with a better featured ATI x700 with 128MB.

Which would be a better buy?
You should go for Radeon Mobility X1600 rather than the X1300. The 1300 is slow for games. Probably marginally faster than X700 but X1600 is almost minimum for games like FarCry, Fear etc. UT2004 is fine for both though.
Oblivion will need the X1600.

Maybe a faster one would be Nvidia Go 7800. That would be wicked fast.
In addition to KillerNotebooks, I've included a weblink below, which explains the 5 different levels of GPU's, and also giving examples of each. The X1300 fell into the "Low End" category, while the X700 fell into the "Performance" category. Pretty much the same thing as KillerNotebook's verdict, except w/one more category.
Go for 1600's or even 1800's if you can lol.
Hi KLN, You are rigth the X700 is 8 pipes while 1300 is only 4 pipes. X1600 is 12 pipes and X1800 is 16 pipes.

X700 is not SM 3 so for newer games thats a deficiency. i would think the Go 7800 gtx would be a Killer.

BTW, when can your notebooks support Dual core Turions ?. July ?.
I will be offering the dual core Turion's as soon as any ODM offers a board that can support it.

I am looking at expanding to additional ODM's because the one I am using is just too slow to market. I am still waiting for a x1600 256 MB solution I was promised 2 months ago, now like you said fteo, "Where's my x1800 solution upgradable to 512 MB?"

I worked with them to develop a ExpressCard slot docking station with all the normal ports (USB 2.0, Firewire, PCMCIA/ExpressCard, DVI, SPDIF, GB LAN, mic/speaker in/out) and SATA... and after laying it all out they didn't see the value of that. That tells me they just don't understand the market. First to market with an ExpressCard slot docking solution like that could make some serious money and offer a much needed product that isn't notebook specific.

To MECH: Thanks for that other link to the mobile GPU's.
KLN, Awesome!.

Lets hope the X1600 and potentially the X1800 mobile modules gets build soon, I am sure Apple has monopolized the lion's share of ATI's Mobility X1600 chips on thier recent 2M units order of a Taiwanese ODM.

I am shocked that plenty of "lemmings" were using Intel's crappy IGP. My company issued HP laptop, IGM 910 powered machine is hurrendous. When a DC Turion appears, I might just purchase one myself and lease its usage back to the company!. Will check with you near the end of May then. Thanks for the reply.
It would be nice if more AMD based notebooks had nVidia video cards.

I am getting more and more people asking for Linux which lends itself to the nVidia cards better. For now I have one customer who is attempting the MAC OS-X (Maxxus version) which would be cool if he nails it.