Just been this laptop to repair,
Was told its been dropped recently and since then the following:
Turns on, acer screen shows, about 2-5 seconds after its powered on it freezes, cant do anything other than turn off by holding the power button or taking the battery off.
Same happens if I press ESC to view post messages etc
Pressing F2 to bios does nothing
POST messages:
BIOS and VGA BIOS info
CPU info
System RAM passed
Cache SRAM passed
System BIOS shadowed
Video BIOS shadowed
Thats it, nothing more and all of the above messages apear within half a second.
LIGHTS? The HD light continuously flashes from the moment the laptop is turned on, even after it freezes, the HD light continues to flash.
NOISE? Can hear the fan running before it freezes, but as soon as it freezes, the noise stops, all that is shown is the post messages or acer screen (if I dont press ESC)
Suggestions please.... Anything and everything....
atm I dont have much time, but I plan to check the HD by taking it out and connecting to PC using a laptop hd usb cable (I have a sata and IDE cable for this)
So fire away,
Was told its been dropped recently and since then the following:
Turns on, acer screen shows, about 2-5 seconds after its powered on it freezes, cant do anything other than turn off by holding the power button or taking the battery off.
Same happens if I press ESC to view post messages etc
Pressing F2 to bios does nothing
POST messages:
BIOS and VGA BIOS info
CPU info
System RAM passed
Cache SRAM passed
System BIOS shadowed
Video BIOS shadowed
Thats it, nothing more and all of the above messages apear within half a second.
LIGHTS? The HD light continuously flashes from the moment the laptop is turned on, even after it freezes, the HD light continues to flash.
NOISE? Can hear the fan running before it freezes, but as soon as it freezes, the noise stops, all that is shown is the post messages or acer screen (if I dont press ESC)
Suggestions please.... Anything and everything....
atm I dont have much time, but I plan to check the HD by taking it out and connecting to PC using a laptop hd usb cable (I have a sata and IDE cable for this)
So fire away,