Acer Travelmate 8000 usb port not working


Aug 4, 2010
Hi there,

I hope someone could help me please. I seem to have a problem with my usb ports where they do supply power to a device like a modem but does not connect the device. I tried a flash mem card and it does not pick it up. I also tried installing the latest drivers but no help.

My question is:

Is there something I am missing, is there a setting in the Bios I need to change of do you think that the hardware is faulty?

Any help will be appreciated.

Alfred from Pretoria South Africa


little advice, next time you post something on a forum, don't include your email address: spiders will gather them to send you spam.

If you go into device manager do you see something with a yellow exclamation mark ?

If so the driver has some problem. You can try a system restore to a date where it still worked.

Is the laptop older than 1 year: if it's still under warranty you might want to RMA it.

Good luck