Last year I bought an Acer VX5-591G-70me. my laptop has undergone repair two times in just one year, the first time was for flickering display which i got back after two months the second time is due to its screws that holds the screen in place getting loose, causing the screen and its cover to fall apart. the problem now is that those screws cannot be replaced as they told me that they are customized to fit only that model. Acer said that they can no longer repair it and will replace it instead. my problem now is that they want to change the model from an Acer VX5-591G-70me to an Acer an515-51-79n0. from what they say I will be getting an upgrade but I'm not really sure if its a good deal as I'm not that techie myself so I can only compare its specs and from what I see they have almost similar specs. So i did a little research but basing it from different reviews across the net I found out that my old laptop handled cooling much more better than Acer an515-51-79n0. So asking people out there with more knowledge on this kind of subject as I don't wanna regret my decisions later on.
My laptop model: https
Replacement model: https
My laptop model: https

Replacement model: https
