Activision: EA is Struggling, Smothering Devs

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We don’t have an Activision anything--it’s Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer."
Ya, they change the names and you change the entire crew by firing the top dogs of a studio. How great you are Activision!
For the most part, ANY publisher smothers a Developer. With tight deadlines and demanding games to be released annually Activision is in the same boat as EA.
Yeah, Activision, so BioWare, Maxis, etc. Don't count as EA's devs?

Plus, EA announced at E3 that they're starting a "hands free" division of their publishing/distributing, starting with Respawn Entertainment, that allows the Devs to have complete control, and EA only puts its name on it.

I say EA wins. (Despite their atrocious DRM, but who doesn't have that these days)
The dog returnith to it's vomit. I cringe every time when a hypocrite speaks, I hate how it is corporations like them crush and plagiarize what is supposed to be human creativity. It is not in the common interests of it's employees but only to those on top and the shareholders. Nothing less can please me more than to see people like this and many other be made humble as I have.

Out of the wood work I have come.


They drink wine, and praised the gods of gold, and silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone.
EA WAS terrible a few years back, around the time when they bought the NFL license and NFL 2K5 became the last good football game. Then they decided to release some gems like Rock Band [The grown-up-with-decent-taste version of guitar hero], Mirror's Edge, Skate, and Dead Space. They gave Bioware the budget they needed to stay relevant and release Dragon Age, whereas Activision bought Blizzard and then proceeded to shit all over it.

I'll let John Carmack do the talking:

"In 2008, John D. Carmack of id Software said that EA is no longer the "Evil Empire". id decided to go with EA Partners, despite having a poor opinion of the publisher's past record.

"I'll admit that, if you asked me years ago, I still had thoughts that EA was the Evil Empire, the company that crushes the small studios...I'd have been surprised, if you told me a year ago that we'd end up with EA as a publisher. When we went out and talked to people, especially EA Partners people like Valve, we got almost uniformly positive responses from them.""

Go eat big piles of feces Kotick.
honestly ,i'm on EA's side of things right now , given the reccent history of activision, where the hell does this guy get off saying that ea is turnign out nothing but crap games ??? Mass effect 1and 2 , Dragon age (and soon DA 2), dead space, EA's various dev teams turn out some awsome games and have started some really good ip rather reccently (namely dead space, mass effect and dragon age , all ip's that are relatively young) mean while most of activision'sip's are much much older. does this guy like to stick his foot in his mouth or what ?

the only issues i have against EA are their DRM schemes , first it was securom , now the curent "networking" in games like Dragon age and masseffect 2 , granted ME 2 and dragon age the net workign aint as bad , but it has been some hassle especially for DLC users.

first sign of a weak CEO or leader is he/she needs to attack others to justify his/her actions... second rate
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