Admin Acc w/ UAC vs Standard User Acc for Windows 10

Eddie K

Jun 24, 2014
Hi all,
Wanted to ask 2 questions...

1. Is it true some programs require full admin rights to run properly, which can't be done while logged in as standard user? Does that mean it would cause problems if I were to solely use standard user account? Anyway to by-pass this?

And this leads to my next question

2. Which is better? Admin account with UAC enabled (and set to always notify) or standard user account?
On doing some research it seems the latter is more secure against malware and infection but at the same time if standard user results in some programs not running properly due to needing full admin credentials, it would seem Admin Acc with UAC is better?

I want best security possible but also want my computer and all its programs working properly. Not too worried about convenience (having to put in a PW all the time).

1. I've not seen one

2. I use both. Admin acct when absolutely necessary, regular user for everyday.

Did the replies in your previous thread not address this completely?

Thanks for the response
And somewhat, but no not fully =/. Maybe I just didn't express myself properly but I felt like I asked the right question in this one.