i have no idea if this is the right forum topic to post this under but...its a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION I HAVE TO KNOW ASAP...
i jus bought an air duster as advised online...but what i dont know is (are)...
1. how to properly use the air duster so i dont end up harming my newly bought (not even a month old) ultrabook?
2. when i looked at the back of the ultrabook before i bought the air duster i couldnt see any way to remove the battery and neither could i see any vent holes...no vent holes seems strange to me...unless there are vent holes but i dont know which are those...
do lemme know and please help asap...
i have no idea if this is the right forum topic to post this under but...its a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION I HAVE TO KNOW ASAP...
i jus bought an air duster as advised online...but what i dont know is (are)...
1. how to properly use the air duster so i dont end up harming my newly bought (not even a month old) ultrabook?
2. when i looked at the back of the ultrabook before i bought the air duster i couldnt see any way to remove the battery and neither could i see any vent holes...no vent holes seems strange to me...unless there are vent holes but i dont know which are those...
do lemme know and please help asap...