AKG D19E...what's it worth?


Apr 3, 2010
I have 2 of them that have been kept away safely in thier cases for probably 40 years...austrian made. Any clue as to thier worth? thanks jack

Trouble with mics like this is that they are only worth as much as someone is prepared to pay for them, you hear of them going for around £50, but can fetch as much as £200 or even more in mint condition if you have the right buyer. If yours are in the boxes, and have never been used, then i would consider putting a reserve of £200 on each one probably. They are a good general purpose dynamic, with some nostalgia value, I have heard them compared with the Sennheiser 421 sound-wise, but these things are personal, I'd be very surprised if it was anything like a 421, which has a very sweet top end, and is the best all round dynamic mic in my opinion, but that's just my opinion. but TBQH it wouldn't be that difficulty to get a better sound these days, or at least, something that sounds "as good" for very little money from a large range of contemporary mic's.