Alienware 15R4 overheatting

May 30, 2018
Hello all,

I just came to ask you guys if its normal, but to me this seems totally ridiculous and unnaceptable. I bought 1 week ago an alienware 15R4 with an intel i9-8950hk and gtx 1080, the problem is very simple, the i9 is supposed to be overclockable up to 5GHz , however, with full fans on and a cool enviromment temp(19-20°C), the cooling of the laptop is not even capable of handling 3GHz at 70-80% usage, it already starts to throttle due to high temps(it gets to 99°C). The only way to get 5GHz it to not have more than 4-5% usage an still got to 90-95°C, I already tried undervolting hard and even alienware's 0.9 volts/4.8GHz profile thottles heavily , it is not capable to get stable clocks speeds as depending on the load it can drop to 2.9Ghz. I personnally find this totally unnaceptable for a 3.5k€ laptop, and unless you guys can tell me a way to drop thoses temps way lower, im inmediattly sending this trash back to alienware and getting my money back. I mean this is just ridiculous, this ton of mess cannot be fixed, not even with liquid metal repaste. And even if im able to overclock to let's say 4.5GHz(it already sems to much to ask), what is my cpu life going to be? 2 years? 3.5k€ for a 2 years laptop? This is just totally a trash laptop....And still, im not talking about all my command center problems, nothing works properly and most configs are totally ignored in the new command center...