dell inspiron 7570 overheating issue. Is it the heat-sink?


Nov 23, 2014
So I bought a refurbished version of dell inspiron 15 7570 from amazon with i7-8550U, 8GB ram and Nvidia 940mx.
when I turn on the system it reaches 65 C (no programs run by me yet..) and is hot it just stays nearly at that temperature and if I open some tabs (ok a little more then 'some') on my chrome it just starts burning literally! The temps hit 98-100C and stay there all the time even though the processor usage is low as 20-30%

I have posted the two images showing GPUz and task manager,
the room temp is 27C, I`m not using any kind of cooler for laptop, using it on a table and not bed so improper air circulation is not the reason.
this second image shows the temps hit the ceiling As I open chrome tabs (20 of them, I know its a bit more but it shouldn't be a reason for such temps)

There is no lag or anything in the performance. (performance is awesome with i7 and nvme ssd) But it gets very very hot. And interestingly I have seen temps go to 100C but system doesn't shutdown.
It is the same story even if I use Visual Studio or even watch a movie, it reaches 90 just like that as if I was doing extreme overclocking on my i7 without any kind of cooling solution!

I updated the BIOS to the latest version and also did the ePSA test and everything comes out to be fine.
I can hear the fan running (i guess at full speed) but the Temperature are not going down.

Do I need to replace the heat-sink ? or is it something else..
Meanwhile I talked to dell but they said since it was refurbished version so I need to talk to amazon people.
I am not expecting anything from them (amazon) as well but Ill be talking to them anyways, I bought it using my friends account so I need to use his account while taking to customer support regarding this.
Definitely try dealing with Amazon / the seller before trying anything. Quite a few of these sellers are solid when it comes to making sure you're happy with the item since they live and die by reviews.

If you're ok with taking the system apart yourself I'd recommend checking for dust buildup between the fan and heatsink. If that doesn't appear to be the issue you should verify that the fan spins freely and replace the thermal compound as an easily attempted solution.
@Zarniwoop81 thanks for early reply..
I had opened the panel to install my nvme and it did not had any dust build up at that time and even now its super clean. Also the fan is spinning at great speeds lol no issues there.
I have a old thermal paste Artic silver 5 which I had bought for another pc but never got to use it, will that be a good for newer hardware ?

That should be fine for a stock cooler, probably quite a bit better than what Dell used out of the factory. Make sure to clean off all the old thermal paste from both the CPU and heatsink. If that doesn't work then you might need a new cooler.


Thanks again I will try that and will post the results

It was bought a while back and I did not get time to use it much, I was just using it for very short span of time and didnt notice the heating. It had some warranty but I think that has just expired.
thanks for the input though.
here is something that is weird...
I replaced the thermal compound. I ran the machine but there was no change in the temps or heating. It was just like before. I shutdown the pc and slept.
Next day I run it and there is no fan noise, no heating! god knows how...I had same number of tabs open (+/- 2-3) but no heating or high fan noise. the temperatures were like 40-60C regardless of CPU usage. It was functioning like a normal one should.

I thought the thermal paste is working now, but when I restarted the laptop just to make sure, the old story was back, high temps, heating and fan noise.
The weird thing I noticed is that this keeps happening, sometimes the temps are normal and fan also goes quite and sometimes it just keeps burning!
I am using it continuously and not shutting down the PC that`s how I got to notice this, previously I was just opening it for some software installation, short work tour to VM`s, uploading/ downloading some documents that`s it, that`s why I didn't notice this issue and I also don`t know if this hot-cold game was going on before or not.
All this time the temperature does not depend upon how much CPU is being used, even if i close everything and CPU usage gets 2-7% max 10 the temps hit 88-99C.

Can this be some kind of voltage issue ? the batter has reached it half life as it said in ePSA test (but I have no issues with battery it lasts fine)