amazon and/or ebay question


Sep 12, 2011
i know this is something i can easily look up but i seem to have trouble finding the answer so i thought i would turn here. what information does the seller get from the buyer on amazon and/or ebay? I'm assuming they get the shipping address for obvious reasons but they don't get any other information, correct?

To my knowledge and since I am using both for a long time.
Ebay, requires Paypal for payments. So your credit card is secure and the seller will get your shipping address only.
I believe Amazon is the samething, except there is no paypal (Amazon secure your credit card info), but same as ebay the seller will have your address for shipment.


To my knowledge and since I am using both for a long time.
Ebay, requires Paypal for payments. So your credit card is secure and the seller will get your shipping address only.
I believe Amazon is the samething, except there is no paypal (Amazon secure your credit card info), but same as ebay the seller will have your address for shipment.


that makes sense, i assumed it was like that. it makes sense that the seller and/or amazon and/or ebay only see a shipping address and nothing else, that would be an incredible breach of privacy.

ebay and/or the seller doesn't have access to your paypal information?