Ampex Tube Plug-In Mic Preamps



Archived from groups: (More info?)

I have a couple of Ampex Nuvistor (6CW34) plug-in mic preamps out of
either a PR10 and/or a 350. Is there any demand for them or should I not
waste my time putting them on eBay. I hate taking digitial pictures.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

mcp6453 <> wrote:
>I have a couple of Ampex Nuvistor (6CW34) plug-in mic preamps out of
>either a PR10 and/or a 350. Is there any demand for them or should I not
>waste my time putting them on eBay. I hate taking digitial pictures.

I'd put them up with something like:

"If you bought a PR-10 here on Ebay from some guy who was advertising
it as a "Q00L T00B MIKE PRE" and then discovered that, like most PR-10
units, it had a bridging transformer on the input instead of a mike
preamp module, then this is the thing you need."

Or you could just mail an ad to the Ampex mailing list,
Someone there will want it, and they'll probably know what it is so you won't
have to be bothered with photos and auctions.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."