LoL @ rantsky. Apple couldn't even get backgrounds working on that old hardware. All the good stuff in iOS4 only works on the iPhone 4G which, believe it or not, has the specs to support Android 3.0.
True, Win7 works on more hardware than Vista, but that WAS an efficiency issue with Vista code. XP wouldn't run on most of the hardware that supported Win 98, but I think the world of Windows was better for it in the end. Just as I believe the world of Android will also be better.
Besides, my G1 is still running 1.6, so I don't have a problem with newer phones not being able to run 3.0. Google abandoned its first child long ago, and many more will be left at the wayside. Plus, this looks good for upgrade options when my contract expires early next year.
I DON'T agree that killing off Motorolla Blur or HTC Sense is a good thing. Sure, my Google-Experience UI on my G1 sucks compared to even LG's offerings, and could really use an overhaul, but I don't think Google should be the ultimate decider in what the UI is. I like the idea that Motorolla and HTC can slap a cool UI on top, not to say a cool Google UI wouldn't also be nice.