Another WIFI network keeps knocking me off of my own WIFI ..

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Archived from groups: microsoft.public.broadbandnet.hardware,alt.internet.wireless,comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

You renamed your router, but did you change the name in the network settings?
You have to rename your networking cards too. They ALL have to have the same
network name, and make sure they're all on the same channel.


Sanjay Punjab wrote:
> I renamed my router, changed to a different channel
> Still the same problem.
> When I disabled the zero wireless config service in msconfig
> I couldnt pick up any wifi networks.
> thanks
> (AnToNio) wrote in message news:<>...
> > Sanjay Punjab <> wrote:
> >
> > > I have an MR814 Netgear WIFI router connected to a DSL modem.
> > > Everything was working fine for months until yesterday when this new
> > > network started to appear (named ez-home). Every 60 seconds my laptop
> > > loses network connection (wireless connection unavailable) and then
> > > connects to this other network ez-home (which I cant even use because
> > > its encrypted). I then have to many click on the available networks
> > > and reselect my own network, then everything works fine for another 60
> > > seconds. If I go to the prefered networks list, my network is listed
> > > at the top and the other network isnt even in the list. I havent yet
> > > found the neighbor who owns this network, I live in an appartment
> > > building. Is there anything I can do to keep my WIFI card from doing
> > > this?
> >
> > Set your router to a different channel and a different name. Turn off
> > zero wireless config in XP.

Pilots track their lives by the number of hours in the air,
as if any other time isn't worth noting....
Michael Rarfit
Archived from groups: alt.internet.wireless,comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Michael Geary <> wrote:

> I don't understand why everyone has been recommending disabling XP's
> wireless zero config.

If it works for you then fine leave it that way. But often is brings
many problems. One of the reasons that it is a 'either or' situation.

Meaning many people have both the zero config enabled _and_ installed
the device drivers. In that case one is asking for problems.


Antonio (Voor email, verwijder X)
Archived from groups: alt.internet.wireless,comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Chris H. <> wrote:

> Wireless Zero
> Configuration should NOT be turned off.

Only if there are no problems. If one has a peoblem shutting off solves
it in 99.9%.


Antonio (Voor email, verwijder X)