Question Any Adobe Users Here That Can Help?

Aug 13, 2024
On Windows 11, I have 64GB of RAM installed with a 12-core processor. My sweet spot for memory is to utilize 40GB for all Adobe programs (leaving 24GB for others I needed to multitask).

When I set the 24/40 ratio in After Effects memory settings (which auto sets the same value in my other Adobe programs), I noticed is randomly changes these settings if I close the program and check it again.

I’ve seen it reset itself to everything from 0GB for other programs (with AE taking up all of my RAM), and even randomly setting it to 56GB for Adobe and 6GB for other programs.

This setting used to stay fixed after the first time I set it, so not sure why it’s sporadically changing. I even tried another update today of all my apps and reset all the preferences and reconfigured. But nothing does the trick. Anyone else seen this issue?

Here's a screen recording of exactly what happens:

Why are you manually settings these limits? The vast majority of users leave at default and let Windows/the applications manage these resources automatically and they have ZERO issues.

I'm sure that's so, but I'm not tinkering with it willy nilly. I often edit After Effects, Premiere, Illustrator all open simultaneously, with a PDF, a Word Doc, a couple Edge tabs and other needs things open at the same time. I've experienced crashes in the past, because of memory not being free for the rest of my system. The 24/60GB ratio fixed that.
That is exactly why you should leave in a default state, including how Windows manages your virtual memory.

Hmm, perhaps I'm not understanding the purpose of why Adobe allows you to assign limits to both Adobe-based programs and "other" apps then? I'm willing to learn, if you'd be willing to explain.

An Adobe employee on their community forum (where I also posted this issue) has just confirmed this is an Adobe-side bug, and they are looking into a fix...

"Thanks for reporting. We're able to reproduce it on our end, and we've filed a bug to investigate further."
Interesting. Sill, as these applications are dynamic (resources needed change while in use), along with the other resources/services managed by the OS, I can easily see how changing as you previously mentioned could be harmful under some conditions. Thus, why nearly all other users leave alone.

Well done, contacting Adobe.
Interesting. Sill, as these applications are dynamic (resources needed change while in use), along with the other resources/services managed by the OS, I can easily see how changing as you previously mentioned could be harmful under some conditions. Thus, why nearly all other users leave alone.

Well done, contacting Adobe.

Yup, will report if/when they have a solution.