Any reason to NOT get this laptop? Asus G72Gx-RBBX09


Jan 7, 2009

Asus G72Gx-RBBX09 for $1299.99
17.3" 1600x900 LED backlit screen, 2GHz Q9000, 6GB RAM, 640GB 7200RPM HDD, GTX 260M 1GB (a pain to find any cheap laptop with one of these), gigabit LAN, wireless N, HDMI, eSATA.
The ONLY flaw I can find with it is the amazingly low battery life (as expected in a quad core and GTX 260M laptop), but msot of the time, it'd be on a desk.

I was considering a HP DV8t (1920x1080, 18.4", i7-720QM, GT 230M, 4GB), and even though it costs about the same, has better battery life, and a better processor, it has a very weak GPU.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not completely set on this laptop yet. If you have any better suggestions at all, please list them. Understand also this is already $300 over my budget (I could save $150 and get better battery with the P8700 2.53GHz variation, but I've grown accustomed to quad cores). Apparantly the G71Gx series had many issues, but the G72Gx was supposed to fix them. Did it?
I want a 15.6" 1920x1080 i7-720QM with a GTX 280M soooo bad... I'd have to sell my i7 desktop rig for it though. >_<
Considering its price its a solid deal,it destroys the HP DV8t in gaming because GTX 260M is way more powerful than a GT 230M,also a Q9000 is a good CPU too,its not as good as i7 720 but its good and will handle things fine plus you can OC it too(With ASUS's bundled software)
The i7 might have helped the other one have a bit better battery life, though the Asus G72Gx-RBBX09 would be superb for gaming. The 230m would have the tendency to be easily outdated, so you'd spend more as you'd need a newer laptop later.

Since you don't also seem to move around a lot, the battery life is a fair compromise for such power.
I can manage on a 2.0GHz quad easy enough. I got my brother a 2.0GHz e4400, 2GB RAM and a 4670 512MB desktop rig, and it does most stuff easily enough (and rapes my old Pentium D rig).
The only problem is I have to order it to a friend or relative in the states and then have them ship it to me (as it's available in BestBuy USA, but not Canada). However I live near the border, so shipping shouldn't rape me too bad.

Thank you for the link to the review.
Disappointing to see the GPU is so heavily downclocked. I'm just wondering it it's at stock voltages still, so I can turn it up back to normal (when on a cooling pad and plugged in of course).

hmm but take a look at this:
"Turbo Gear eXtreme key which controls power saving and overclocking of the cpu (from 5% to 15% increase on clock speed)"
However this model had P8700 but its still G72GX

I think explains why Asus locked the BIOS on the quad core...

The P8700 is a 25 watt part... the Q9000 is a 45 watt part. That is a MASSIVE TDP for a laptop part. Although I don't know anyone who owns one personally, I feel safe saying the BIOS is locked for that particular laptop/CPU combination.

At any rate it's still a very nice laptop. Competent gaming laptops used to cost $2000... now they're trying to break the $1000 barrier.

The overclocking lock does make sense though.
3GHz dual core or 2GHz quad core? I'm still a core junky (too bad I can't have my hyperthreaded cores).
Aren't the Txxxx all 35 watt TDP parts anyways?
Hey, it's winter! Buy the laptop and it'll help keep you warm during the cold months.

So why are you holding back your purchase?

There are mobile variants of the i7-920 out now... although I'm not really sure how much that would be considering it's clocked at 1.6 and the Q9000 you're look at is 2.0.

Look in my "more information" at my "laptop" I paid around $1400 for that FIFTEEN MONTHS AGO... and I still game on it from time to time. Gotta jump in at some point!
Laptops are such a downer when it comes to the GPU... my "8800 GTS" mobile part is really more equal to a 9600 GT desktop part. Doesn't sound so awesome when you look at it that way... and that will be true for the GTX 260/280... not remotely comparable to their similarly named desktop equivalents.
I know that already.
Though the GTX 260M has a 75w TDP, so hopefully it's a little better than a 65w desktop 4670 (even the 4770 is about 70w).

I'm only holding back because I don't have the money yet. I have $580, getting $60 more tonight, and I get paid on Friday (which should be about a grand). The you have to factor in the US/Canadian exchange rates.

Just so you know, the GTX 280M is about equal to a desktop 9800 GTX. The GTX 260M is about equal to a 9800 GT.

Here's some benchmarks (will change depending on the CPU):
I already knew they weren't even based on the same design of their desktop parts (unlike the 4870 mobile, which is just downclocked heavily).
Thank you for the direct comparison though. The 9800 GT is better than a 4670, but nothing I'd waste a upgrade over.

If I'm willing to chop the settings some, I may even be able to hook in my 23" 2048x1152 and still play at 30FPS in most of my games.
Just buy the damn laptop LOL.

I am an owner of G51 laptop with T9600 OC at 3.4, GTX260m OC at 600 core, 950mem. I could not have been happier. I play TF2 with some extra eyecandy on, some GTA4(plays very well), and I play Mario Forever at 640*480 res. It handles all of it no problems.
Yeah... I will if I can.
It seems by boss is ready to fire people though, so I'll have to be careful to keep my job.
Also whether or not I buy it is dependant on how much junk I sell (selling a crapload of stuff on Craigslist). Already had 2 guys show up, 1 no show, and should have 2 more coming. I guess if I price anything cheap enough, people will buy it. (Such as a $250 old RAID card for $40... but it's PCI, so I don't care)
Yeah... i have my g72gx already few month and... im more then just happy (had tried some overclocking... before GPU under 64bit system shooed nice dead screen, don't know why)... Anyway, it is my most powerful laptop in my life! (shame on ASUS company about forgetting quad core processors) i7 + newest games = blue screen! Think is, finish first what you have been started, and just after try to make something better...