Any way to use SRTs with VLC?


Apr 30, 2017
I'm trying to use an SRT file (subtitle file) with an MP3 on VLC, but whenever I load the subtitle file, VLC freezes for a couple of seconds, and then carries on as if nothing ever happened.

I've tried resetting settings to default, and doing a complete re-install, neither of which helped. I've also tried using a different SRT which also didn't help, so it clearly isn't a corrupted SRT that's causing the problem.

VLC can play SUB files (another type of subtitle file) just fine - it seems to only be SRTs.

Has anyone got it working? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

I use VLC all the time and never had that problem. I'm thinking that perhaps the subtitles you're using are corrupted. Have you tried acquiring a different set?
I have an app on my Samsung (called MX player pro), which I have also have loaded the SRTs into. It plays them perfectly fine, which is why I don't think it's an issue to do with corruption.

EDIT: I have already read that tutorial, thanks anyway
I also use MX Player on my tablet...

OK.. You said you tried reinstalling VLC, right? When you did that.. did you just reinstall OVER your current version of VLC or did you first UNINSTALL your current version... restart computer... and then install a fresh copy. I ask because if your program is corrupt.. then reinstalling over it will carry over the corruption.


Nope, I uninstalled it first, then installed a fresh copy. I checked the box for deleting preferences and cache as well.