Anyone know how to crack a secure PDF file?


Dec 8, 2002
I would sure like to figure out how to do this.

<font color=red><b>NF7-S/MBarton 2500+
210x11.5 1.82v SP-97
GB Corsair XMS PC3200
BBA 9800 Pro 423/369</font color=red><font color=black>
NF7-S/MBarton 2600+
210x11.5 1.76v
512MB CVR PC3200
Sapphire 9500@9700
Hmm... not sure if it is 6 or 7...

It is a play I would like to teach... but I need to print 12 coppies or so...

<font color=red><b>NF7-S/MBarton 2500+
210x11.5 1.82v SP-97
GB Corsair XMS PC3200
BBA 9800 Pro 423/369</font color=red><font color=black>
NF7-S/MBarton 2600+
210x11.5 1.76v
512MB CVR PC3200
Sapphire 9500@9700
anything can be cracked with enough time...

<A HREF="" target="_new">"Like a scrotum, there it is in a nutshell."</A>
<font color=red>Roll Tide!</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new">-={Apathetic As<i></i>shole.}=-</A>
Depending.. these new PDFs have rules built into them.. they're very secure and based off a server at other companies.

Example: I have my own PDF server, you take a file.. the only way to crack it would be to have the information from my server, authorize, then get the rights to do. It's not an easy process.. and Adobe knows it and they're charging a hell of a lot for it.

I have never heard of someone being able to break these PDFs, since the info is built right into the file and not accessible unless authorizated against the issuing server.. same principle as certificates..

but yet, anything can be's a matter of time.. but for the purpose of this thread, it's not going to happen.
but yet, anything can be's a matter of time.. but for the purpose of this thread, it's not going to happen.

<A HREF="" target="_new">"Like a scrotum, there it is in a nutshell."</A>
<font color=red>Roll Tide!</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new">-={Apathetic As<i></i>shole.}=-</A>