Apple Earpod Problems


Jun 4, 2016
So i'm convinced that my EarPods have gain a mind of their own. Whenever i listen to music or watch a video I cannot escape the constant volume changes and play/pausing. What should I do?
I already did with a pair of Sonys which costed me about $15 and they sound much better than the EarPods. I'm still really annoyed though cause this is only one of many problems I have had with apple hardware in the last year. I have had 3 cables fray so that they would not work, two iPhone 5's have had their power button break. We got a replacement for both of them but the replacement for one had a broken sim card tray causing me to do another backup and get another phone. Also, and this is the topper, we found a screw in the key of my sisters MacBook air which did not allow the key to work. All this in the span of a year but we know Apple, you can't improve your quality control because your dumb watch is more important than customer satisfaction. This is one company i will not be buying from for a very, very long time.