Apple May Challenge Google Street View

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Great, competition can only bring better service for us customers, and Apple are certainly sitting on a huge pile of cash, they better use it to do something.
Question is WHY ? is not like they will bring anything spectacular other than street view photography ? They have huge pile of money and not much to do with it ... maybe when people will stop buying over expensive stuff we will see more innovation and less crap like this.
I'll stick with google maps. It actually works well.
And heaven forbid apple should make a self-driving's main "feature" would be that every time you get in it, it takes you to where it thinks you should go, not to where you actually want it to go.
It'll never be a real competitor, Google Maps is available on a range of platforms. Apple maps is available exclusively on iOS. Apple maps has no novel and useful features that Google Maps doesn't have, Google Maps has novel and useful features that Apple Maps doesn't have.

As it sits, Google maps is the Coke or Pepsi and Apple maps is the store-brand soda. You know, the stuff you get if you're too cheap to buy the good stuff. I can't see that changing at any point in the future.

It's "apply the BRAKES", not breaks. Did anyone bother proofing this before it was released? While the story is good enough, it's hard not to be a stickler for grammar when writing is your job.
I wish Google Maps was for computationally efficient. I need to run my Core 2 Duo at about 3.6GHZ to run it smoothly on the Chrome browser. Especially the panning to/from overhead view to street view is hard to be completely smooth.
But it is an awesome technology, I use it a lot
I know it has been said but I can't help myself. If only this works as well as apple maps were in luck !
There are some important details missing here... notably, this camera rig has four cameras pointing down at the car's own wheels. There are several experts that have come forward so far to state this is outfitted as a "self-driving car" more than just a "map imaging" car.
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