Apple gets in the advertising business, and changes its privacy policy to allow it and third parties access to your exact geographical location.
I like geo-services, when *I* control the data. This, on the other hand, is a threat to privacy and hands you over to the highest bidders to be spammed and scammed in ways yet to be imagined by us mere puppets.
If this goes on, soon third parties, be them companies, organisations or perhaps even politicians will be able to buy so much personal information about you, your habits and interests, who you know, where you live, shop and work, that it will be too easy to manipulate and gently guide you without you realising it. It will lead to a society where the abundance of publicly available data currently still thought of as personal and private will make people paranoid and afraid of being influenced from all sides, not knowing who to trust anymore. It might sound far fetched, but look at how companies and governments can already steer public opinion...