Apple: We Can Collect, Share Your Precise Location

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How is having my precise location not personally identifiable? My iPhone GPS knows which room of the house I'm in when I use google maps. How hard would it be for advertisers to collect GPS coordinates, place them on a map, then presto they have your address and can do a reverse name lookup to find out exactly who you are. As long as you are alerted every time an app wants to use your gps like current iphone software this is fine, but the moment it starts using your gps whenever they want without you knowing because it's written in the fine print they are allowed to do that, there will be hell to pay.
Chill out people. How is Google maps going to tell you where you are without your location??

What would these corporations get from knowing where you are? We should be worrying about the fact that they control our government, not our locations.
I don't trust Apple to use that information wisely. Especially with all they're pushing with the iAd stuff. Hello location based ads...
" PC World's Ian Paul says the amended policy could result in backlash from users."....And I hope it DOES! I don't know if this also applies to the iPod Touch, but I would have to assume so, and I've been saving to buy I'm having SERIOUS second thoughts.
I quit Facebook because of the lack of privacy, have turned off "Chat" and I/M, to go a step further. I don't see anything wrong with emailing a "group" should I want to share something with more than 1 person at a time, or calling with a conference call, 3 way calling, or a speaker phone, if I don't want to be bothered with typing and a computer. It's too bad the internet, which can be so informative, and LINK people, has simply become a billboard, and attack point for others.

Talk about "Big Brother", and lack of privacy! Then everyone will complain and want a larger "Do Not Call List" to apply to the internet after giving their permission.
Ohhh big whopp, as if I didn't give them almost all my information in the first place when I signed up with AT&T...anyhow, if they know where I am at, I don't care! WHAT CAN THEY REALLY DO?
[citation][nom]simple11[/nom]WHAT CAN THEY REALLY DO?[/citation]
It'll work out well for MaxiPad/iPhone users when they get separated from the short bus... the driver will know where to pick you up and can then take you back to the institution. Apple could change the agreement to read that Jobs is allowed to come pee in your coffee every morning and the tards would still flock to the store to buy their crap.
Can't really say im worried. "Oh god they know my location!". Maybe so, but what makes you special among several other million dots running around the map? They will probably look at it and, after spending all this time and money, realize that the data is useless.
[citation][nom]simple11[/nom]Ohhh big whopp, as if I didn't give them almost all my information in the first place when I signed up with AT&T...anyhow, if they know where I am at, I don't care! WHAT CAN THEY REALLY DO?[/citation]

Well, if that is your feeling im sure you will let the US GOV put a little microchip into your arm or neck that will allow them to track you via RFID.

The GOV already uses GPS in phones to trace people that are kidnapped or for investigation purposes (with warrants we hope).

If you don't want apps knowing where you live, turn off your GPS feature. I keep my GPS off on my Android phone and just use wireless location (closest cell tower). It works for everything but driving directions, which is why I have a Mio GPS in my car in the first place (plus no issues with spotty data coverage).
Just turn it off if you don't want it?

It's optional. Not sure why people are freaking out.

I mean, how do you expect Google maps or Navigon know where you are?
Apple gets in the advertising business, and changes its privacy policy to allow it and third parties access to your exact geographical location.

I like geo-services, when *I* control the data. This, on the other hand, is a threat to privacy and hands you over to the highest bidders to be spammed and scammed in ways yet to be imagined by us mere puppets.

If this goes on, soon third parties, be them companies, organisations or perhaps even politicians will be able to buy so much personal information about you, your habits and interests, who you know, where you live, shop and work, that it will be too easy to manipulate and gently guide you without you realising it. It will lead to a society where the abundance of publicly available data currently still thought of as personal and private will make people paranoid and afraid of being influenced from all sides, not knowing who to trust anymore. It might sound far fetched, but look at how companies and governments can already steer public opinion...
[citation]It might sound far fetched, but look at how companies and governments can already steer public opinion...[/citation]
Exactly. How do you think Obama got elected as President? The Marketing and Media machine at work.
Imagine: someone edits the location information and makes it appear that you were somewhere where a crime was committed, and then plants evidence..... now do you understand why this 'location awareness' is a bad freaking idea!
This is where being a libertarian really makes me proud. Im for the smallest government possible but Im ALSO for my own privacy rights. All I can say is that maybe this latest slap in the face from a fascist company (fascist in that they tell you everything you can do with your device after you bought it from them except what apps you can put on them) will make people wake up to apple's tactics and stop buying their products.
[citation][nom]wotan31[/nom][citation]It might sound far fetched, but look at how companies and governments can already steer public opinion...[/citation]Exactly. How do you think Obama got elected as President? The Marketing and Media machine at work.[/citation]

Wrong. Obama got elected because the Repukians messed up a hell of a lot while they were in office, lied us into two wars of choice, etc.

Obama got elected because he promised to TRY to make America better and stronger, and by and large, he has kept his promises. The problem was that he was elected with a BOATLOAD (maybe oil tanker load) of problems in government, so he is having to spend all or most of his time fixing what the Repukians refused to fix or actively broke.
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