Your tablet cannot move and run apps from the SD card, only from the device itself. Why? Because you are running a version of the Android OS that does not allow for that option. You would need to be running "Marshmallow" to make that happen, and then only if your device can also handle that option. If you can upgrade the system to "Marshmallow" you might be able to get it to work, but then you would have to start with a blank SD card as it will format and then encrypt the card.
The only other option is to root the device, which I would not suggest if the tablet is under warranty. If it isn't, and you feel comfortable trying it, I suggest you visit the "Rooting, Jailbreaking & Unlocking" Forum.
http/ While it is aimed at phones, the principle is still the same and they can help with information on rooting in there.
Also, you can move other things to the SD card, like photos, videos, etc., that would free up a lot of space as they do take up a lot.